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UTAH Corruption by Pat Bagley


Corruption by Pat Bagley The viewpoints expressed above are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of The Independent. How to submit an...
Judge Karlin Myers first amendment gag press Varlo Davenport

Judge Karlin Myers tries to gag press in Davenport case

"Judge Karlin Myers tries to gag the press in Davenport case." Could there be a more sensational title for an article? Sadly, it is...
theocracy plutocracy southern Utah patriot

A patriot should not bow to the southern Utah theocratic oligarchy

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the king's horses and all the king's men Couldn't put Humpty together again. From my...
Professor Joel Lewis resigned under threat and coercion from DSU President Biff Williams

Professor resigned under threat and coercion from DSU President Biff Williams

On August 14, 2015, Dr. Joel Lewis, a history professor at Dixie State University, was surreptitiously lured into a meeting under the guise of...
Varlo Davenport Mark Houser Dixie State DSU

Dixie State tried to coerce a grade from Varlo Davenport

In the latest hearing regarding the Varlo Davenport case brought about by the City of St. George --- and, by default, Dixie State University...
Washington School District transparency

Washington School District lacks transparency

By Kathy Bence Transparency, which goes a long way to ease concerns in a community, was lacking in planning for the Crimson High School-Middle School...
Varlo Davenport

St. George Justice Court: Be afraid. Be very afraid.

"Loyalty to country, always. Loyalty to government when it deserves it." ---Mark Twain The City of St. George, in particular the justice court, does not...
afraid of Mormons

Are you afraid of Mormons?

I should start by saying that my immediate Mormon neighbors here in Cedar City are simply wonderful, and having a good neighbor is an...
Western Freedom Festival

Letter to the Editor: The Western Freedom Festival put corporate welfare...

From Tracie Sullivan's article, "Organizers call Western Freedom Festival a success despite controversies": "At the beginning of Miller’s conference presentation, he showed a slide on...
There's something happening here

There’s something happening here

On Dec. 5, 1966, Buffalo Springfield recorded a song written by Stephen Stills titled "For What It's Worth."  It was subtitled "Stop, Hey What's...