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Tag: covid 19

Losing Weight

How To Lose Your ‘Quarantine 15’

As a child, I wanted to be carried so often my grandma told my mom to have my legs checked out for disease. There was nothing wrong, I just love sitting. Losing Weight
School and Masks

Editorial Cartoon: School and Masks

School and Masks
Army National Museum

Upcoming National Museum To Honor All Soldiers

The National Museum of the United States Army will serve as the capstone of the Army Museum Enterprise and provide the only comprehensive portrayal of Army history and traditions.
COVID-19 Education

Schools, Parents, and COVID-19

EdChoice, a national nonprofit, nonpartisan organization, teamed up with Morning Consult to release results of a recent poll to find out how it has affected families and teachers. 
Housing Market

Join COVID-19 Homebuying Rush, Develop Common Sense

Imagine how much better the country would be if every American had “sound and prudent judgment based on a simple perception of the situation or facts.”
Wearing Masks

Masks have nothing to do with freedom

Remember, you can assemble, worship, seek redress against the government, and speak your mind, but it does not mean you can yell “Fire!” in a crowded theater.
2020 baby boom

In Search of My 9-Dollar Heirloom

As the joke has it, nine months from the start of the pandemic - right around January 2021 - we’ll experience a 2020 baby boom.
Democratic Convention

Poll: Did You Watch The Democratic Convention?

I watched the opening night of the Democratic National Convention because it was news, not because I was particularly interested in the outcome. How about you, did you watch any of the Convention?
STL Covidnals

Sports Have Been Hard To Watch During the Pandemic

vIn a recent commentary about the state of the NFL, columnist and historian Victor Davis Hanson writes that the league is in trouble like never before.
Putin Covid Vaccine

Editorial Cartoon: Putin COVID Vaccine

Putin COVID Vaccine