Tag: Dallas Hyland
A bit absent of late, but not out, not by a...
Someone once said that writing was easy. You only needed to stare at the blank page until your forehead bleeds. Or the blank screen,...
Fifty years old and still here
In an unforeseen calamity of errors, I managed to turn 50 years old last week. Aug. 5, to be precise. In the days preceding...
On a long enough timeline, we all have common ground
I recently attended a meeting and presentation hosted by a local nonprofit land trust organization, otherwise known as a non-governmental organization or NGO. For...
Public lands are not the states’ to “take back,” but they...
While sitting at a campfire at a friend's home this last spring, the subject of public lands came up --- in particular, the discussion...
It’s not the cover up Mr. Trump. It’s what you are...
I watched the entire testimony of former FBI Director James Comey before the Senate Intelligence committee. Ever since the appearance of an eschewing of...
Victoria Williard’s Title IX fiasco and DSU’s guilty conscience
Dixie State University is in the news again for yet another controversial incident involving many of the same administrators and cohorts as have been...
Even an orange megalomanic can bleed
In an undisclosed beach city on the California coast, I was talking to a young woman while she took my order for an acai...
Because the Fourth Estate, that’s why
It is said that the difference between a good approach and a poor one is measured by success. When applying this litmus to the...
Code enforcement fascism in St. George
In 1944, The New York Times asked Franklin Roosevelt to write a letter on the subject of fascism in America. And its relevance is...
An admonition for faculty, students, and staff while we wait for...
Legendary Washington Post journalist Bob Woodward said, "It was accountability that Nixon feared." And he was right. And that is precisely what he and...