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Tag: Dallas Hyland

Donald Trump

Trump cannot be the president

Donald Trump cannot be the president of this country. After the latest of an unending and unsurpassed slew of demonstrations of sheer absence of...
Arguing with idiots and why Clinton is the only choice

Arguing with idiots and why Clinton is the only choice

I've been attempting with some moderate success to avoid the topic of this year's presidential election. The reason for this really boils down to...
When actual Americans make a stand

When actual Americans make a stand

"It was hard to know how to feel. I had never been in a battle like this one. This had not been a fight...
Give the people what they want, they get what they deserve

Give the people what they want, they get what they deserve

It was 1981 and I was a high school freshman when The Kinks released the "Give the People What They Want" album. I bought...
A measured response to my critics

A measured response to my critics

"Never retreat, never explain, never apologize — get the thing done and let them howl.” ---Nellie McClung In what I will term a measured response...
DSU using similar tactics against a student as it did against Varlo Davenport in title IX case

DSU using similar tactics against a student in title IX case...

This week during my regular guest spot on the Kate Dalley show on 1450 KZNU, I alluded to the coming of the piece you...
Water Time: Surf Travel Diary of a Madman In Search of Captain Zero Allan Weisbecker

An intentionally serendipitous look into the future

This last week, I spent my time on the road working on a film project and fundraiser for a nonprofit organization based out of...
Dixie State University

Call me a cynic: Dixie State University is not learning

Call me a cynic. Call me sarcastic. But this was just too good to pass up. The morning of Aug. 12, St. George City Mayor...
The longevity comes from the laughter

The longevity comes from the laughter

It's Friday, Aug. 5, and I just spent the day ringing in my forty-ninth year on this rock. Embarking on my fiftieth year, I...
shadow government Washington County St. George Varlo Davenport trial

Musings on the Davenport trial: Do we have a shadow government...

"All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them." ---Galileo Galilei We have a shadow government in Washington...