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Tag: Darren M. Edwards

Your weekly Horoscope Trippy Koala

Your Weekly Horoscope

These horoscopes are provided for entertainment purposes only. The authors cannot be held responsible for any decisions or actions based, in whole or in...
Dixie State University Varlo Davenport Biff Williams

DSU’s statement on the Davenport verdict causes strong reactions, and it...

While the majority of the Southern Utah community seemed to rejoice at the verdict of not guilty passed down to Varlo Davenport after what...
Your weekly Horoscope Trippy Koala

Your Weekly Horoscope

These horoscopes are provided for entertainment purposes only. The authors cannot be held responsible for any decisions or actions based, in whole or in...
Your Weekly Horoscope

Your Weekly Horoscope

These horoscopes are provided for entertainment purposes only. The authors cannot be held responsible for any decisions or actions based, in whole or in...
white community racial equality

Why we need the concept of a white community now more...

In the first article I ever wrote for The Independent, I mentioned the concept of a white community. It was in response to a...

Your Weekly Horoscope

These horoscopes are provided for entertainment purposes only. The authors cannot be held responsible for any decisions or actions based, in whole or in...
Healthier Living exercise diet

The Journey to Healthier Living: Balance and moderation are important (and...

As the father of an adorable human waste factory, I’ve been going off three or four hours of sleep. Accordingly, mornings are not my...
Utah Sport Climbing veyo pool crawdad canyon

How Veyo Pool became an international climbing destination

The first time I climbed in Crawdad Canyon was over 10 years and 40 pounds ago. I was just pushing my way into the...
Healthier living exercise diet

Why weight isn’t the best measuring stick

The image of a scale has become synonymous with trying to get healthier. I would dare say that the first thing most people do...
Healthier Living exercise diet

The Journey to Healthier Living

With another excessive heat warning for St. George today, I thought I’d focus on ways to beat the heat while still moving toward healthier...