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Tag: democracy

Slowly Poisoning Us - By Adam Zyglis

Editorial Cartoon: Slowly Poisoning Us

Slowly Poisoning Us - By Adam Zyglis
Enlightenment Skips A Year - By Christopher Weyant

Editorial Cartoon: Enlightenment Skips A Year

Enlightenment Skips A Year - By Christopher Weyant
Voting Offense or Defense - By Christopher Weyant

Editorial Cartoon: Voting Offense or Defense

Voting Offense or Defense - By Christopher Weyant
Xi Controlling Biden - By Dick Wright

Editorial Cartoon: Xi Controlling Biden

Xi Controlling Biden - By Dick Wright
Voting Rights - By Dave Whamond

Editorial Cartoon: Voting Rights

Voting Rights - By Dave Whamond
Scary Monsters - By Christopher Weyant

Editorial Cartoon: Scary Monsters

Scary Monsters - By Christopher Weyant
Republican Party

Refocusing the Republican Party

Republicans traditionally have been portrayed as the pro-business party of the wealthy. Despite this image, five of the last eight presidents in the last 52 years have been Republicans

Trump Watched On TV As People Died While Trying To Kill...

Historians tend to gloss it over, buffing up the burrs and splinters of our ragged times so they dovetail nicely into this happy, shiny account of democracy
Capitol Riots

Dog Whistles Howling In The Final Days Of Trump’s Reign Of...

Capitol Riots - There is an accountability that must be taken. There are others, of course, who participated in this insurrection – from Rudy Giuliani who
As government controls more portions of the economy, democracy transcends to socialism. Why are many Americans accepting socialism? Because socialism promises everything for free.

Why democracy deteriorates into socialism

As government controls more portions of the economy, democracy transcends to socialism. Why are many Americans accepting socialism? Because socialism promises everything for free.