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A Letter To The Editor: Drug Pricing Bipartisanship

Bipartisanship - Americans want elected officials to come together & tackle issues that matter most. No issue offers more opportunities than drug pricing.
Democrats economy unemployment

Economy Ready To Boom Without Biden’s Spending Blowout

Unemployment - Our economy would be best served if Democrats did absolutely nothing. By next fall, they could take (undeserved) credit for a booming economy
Minimum Wage

$15 Wage Hurts Vulnerable Workers

President Biden is going full speed ahead with his plan to raise the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour. The Democrats’ latest approach to convert
Dems Aren't Helping Their Cause

Editorial Cartoon: Dems Aren’t Helping Their Cause

Dems Aren't Helping Their Cause
Democrats Election

Truth and Reconciliation? Give Me a Break.

In the days following the election, as the numbers and margins changed and morphed with each passing hour, Democrats separated into two distinct camps.
Republicans Hold Senate

A Republican Senate: The Progressive Revolution on Hold

The danger for Democrats arises if the party continues to listen only to its radical leftwing, adopting a take-no-prisoners approach to working with Republicans in the hope of winning the Senate in 2022.

Editorial Cartoon: Who Are We

Who Are We, America?

Our Democracy Is On The Line

You have heard, I am sure, the argument that this is the most important election in the history of the United States, a statement I can certainly defend and contend.
Vote Now

Editorial Cartoon: Vote Now

Vote Now
Amy Coney Barrett

Editorial Cartoon: Amy Coney Barrett

Amy Coney Barrett