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Tag: Dixie State University

I'm a Dixie State University alumnus. I'm aware of Ken Peterson's termination from DSU. Is the "Last Chance Agreement" offered to him even constitutional?

Letter to the editor: Dr. Ken Peterson’s “Last Chance Agreement” —...

Dr. Ken Peterson's "Last Chance Agreement" — Is it even constitutional? My name is Joel Thomas, and I am Dixie State University alumnus. I am...
The Independent offers fall internships for SUU and DSU students

The Independent offers fall internships for SUU and DSU students

The Independent offers fall internships for SUU and DSU students The Independent has begun offering internships to Dixie State University and Southern Utah University students....
The less than ideal but necessary outcome for Dixie State University

The less than ideal but necessary outcome for Dixie State University

The less than ideal but necessary outcome for Dixie State University Someone recently posed a very good question on the Full Disclosure DSU Facebook page....
There is nothing wrong with Dixie State University the institution. But there is something wrong with DSU's administration and what it is doing to people.

Pulling the metaphorical fire alarm at Dixie State University until someone...

Pulling the metaphorical fire alarm at Dixie State University until someone realizes there's a fire I was recently asked by someone why I hate St....
The Independent offers fall internships for SUU and DSU students

The Independent offers summer internships for SUU and DSU students

The Independent offers summer internships for SUU and DSU students The Independent has begun offering internships to Dixie State University and Southern Utah University students....
In the latest of a litany of controversial issues surrounding Dixie State University, it was announced that DSU's ties to Legend Solar would be severed.

Dear Dixie State University and Legend Solar: Show me the money

Dear Dixie State University and Legend Solar: Show me the money In the latest of a litany of controversial issues surrounding Dixie State University, it...
This week, the food court at Dixie State University proudly launched its new signature entrée: The Dixie Ancestor Heritage Legacy Pioneer Bison Burger.

DSU food court introduces new bison burger

DSU food court introduces new bison burger This week, the food court at Dixie State University proudly launched its new signature entrée: The Dixie Ancestor...
Why a recent federal appeals court ruling is relevant to the happenings at Dixie State University

Why a recent federal appeals court ruling is relevant to the...

Why a recent federal appeals court ruling is relevant to the happenings at Dixie State University Sometimes part of the solution to problems, such as...
Here's what the public can do in light of the recent firings of Dixie State University professors Glenn Webb and Ken Peterson.

Dixie State University is firing people, again — a suggestion on...

Dixie State University is firing people, again — a suggestion on how to respond In light of the recent firings of Dixie State University professors...
Petition to reinstate Dixie State University professors circulating online

Petition to reinstate terminated Dixie State University professors circulating online

A previous version of this article incorrectly stated that Varlo Davenport had been accused of sexual harassment rather than assault. A change.org petition is circulating...