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Tag: Donald Trump political cartoon

Donald Trump Republican nominee political cartoon

CARTOON: “Trump, The Republican Nominee”

From Clay Jones on his political cartoon "Trump, The Republican Nominee," Donald Trump's big win, and the GOP's usual lose-lose situation Ted Cruz had a...
Donald Trump political cartoon

CARTOON: “The Woman Card”

From Clay Jones on his political cartoon "The Woman Card," Trump's criticism of Hillary Clinton's gender and his criticism of John Kasich's pancake eating Despite...
political cartoon Donald Trump newspaper

CARTOON: “All The News That’s Huge”

From Clay Jones on his political cartoon "All The News That's Huge," Fox News and other fake news sites, and Donald Trump's newspaper This cartoon...
political cartoon Donald Trump nuclear weapons

CARTOON: “Trump Goes Nuclear On Abortion”

From Clay Jones on his political cartoon "Trump Goes Nuclear On Abortion," using nuclear weapons on ISIS, and how Donald Trump might actually destroy...
political cartoon March Madness Donald Trump

CARTOON: “Trump Madness”

From Clay Jones on his political cartoon "Trump Madness," March Madness, and who has the best balls I haven’t drawn a Donald Trump cartoon in...
political cartoon Donald Trump

CARTOON: “Trump And His Teeny Tiny … Hands”

From cartoonist clay Jones on "Trump And His Teeny Tiny ... Hands," that thing on Ted Cruz's lip, and a heartfelt thanks to Republicans By...