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Tag: Donald Trump

Donald Trump political cartoon

CARTOON: “The Woman Card”

From Clay Jones on his political cartoon "The Woman Card," Trump's criticism of Hillary Clinton's gender and his criticism of John Kasich's pancake eating Despite...
2016 presidential election

Trumping the 2016 presidential election

I’m supposed to have an opinion. Generally, when writing an opinion column, that’s the case. And certainly as an educated person with strong feelings...
political cartoon Donald Trump newspaper

CARTOON: “All The News That’s Huge”

From Clay Jones on his political cartoon "All The News That's Huge," Fox News and other fake news sites, and Donald Trump's newspaper This cartoon...
political cartoon Wisconsin primary

CARTOON: Losing With Grace

From Clay Jones on his political cartoon "Losing With Grace," the Wisconsin primary, and big news about John Kasich ... just kidding Ted Cruz and...
political cartoon abortion is murder

CARTOON: “Abortion Is Murder?”

From Clay Jones on his political cartoon "Abortion Is Murder?" Carly Fiorina's lying liar hole, and that time Donald Trump was right about something Let’s...
political cartoon Republican loyalty pledge

CARTOON: “Republican Loyalty”

From Clay Jones on his political cartoon "Republican Loyalty," a heritage of broken promises, and why a Republican loyalty pledge is worthless I hate to...
political cartoon Donald Trump nuclear weapons

CARTOON: “Trump Goes Nuclear On Abortion”

From Clay Jones on his political cartoon "Trump Goes Nuclear On Abortion," using nuclear weapons on ISIS, and how Donald Trump might actually destroy...
Corey Lewandowski Michelle Fields political cartoon

CARTOON: “Grabby 2016”

From Clay Jones on his political cartoon "Grabby 2016," Corey Lewandowski's abusive behavior, and Michelle Fields' exaggeration of it Michelle Fields, a reporter for Breitbart,...

CARTOON: “Angry Birds”

From Clay Jones on his political cartoon “Angry Birds" Are Angry Birds still a thing? Is the game still popular? Are you still receiving annoying...
Utah Voting

Tuesday’s Democratic and Republican Utah primary results

Tuesday evening Utahans turned out en mass to vote in the Republican primary and the Democratic caucus. The turnout in some Salt Lake City...