Tag: Donald Trump
CARTOON: ‘Pantless Pot, Meet Pantless Kettle’
From cartoonist Clay Jones about 'Pantless Pot, Meet Pantless Kettle,' the Donald Trump attack on Bill Clinton's philandering, and Trump's infatuation with the Clintons
CARTOON: ‘Loyalty Pledges are for Losers’
From cartoonist Clay Jones about 'Loyalty Pledges are for Losers,' the Virginia Republican party loyalty pledge, and Donald Trump being right...for once
In the past...
Trump is disgusting!
I’m serious. I can’t figure out why people say they support him, because Trump is disgusting. And I’m not the only one. I watched...
As Hispanics support Trump’s immigration policies, GOP has lessons to learn
Written by Yuri Vanetik and Thomas Tucker
Polls indicate that support for Donald Trump is plateauing while key challengers like Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, and...
CARTOON: ‘Schlonged’
From cartoonist Clay Jones about 'Schlonged,' Donald Trump beating someone using a penis, and other politically incorrect Trumpisms
Donald Trump, the Oompa Loompa currently leading...
What are Republicans thinking?
What are Republicans thinking? There is no possible reason or logic to explain why Republicans would support the poll-leading candidate. The candidate is rich,...
CARTOON: ‘Praise of Despots’
From cartoonist Clay Jones about 'Praise of Despots,' Putin and his compliments of Trump, and bombing Agrabah until the sand glows
Donald Trump has the...
CARTOON: ‘Until Sand Glows in the Dark’
From cartoonist Clay Jones about 'Until Sand Glows in the Dark,' Ted Cruz's plan to carpet bomb ISIS, and other ISIS recruitment tools
Ted Cruz...
CARTOON: ‘Time to Unfriend’
From cartoonist Clay Jones about 'Time to Unfriend' and unfriending not based on supporting Trump but definitely for Star Wars spoilers
I made comments about...
Americans are xenophobic
Whenever I hear Trump start bloviating on TV, the thought springs to mind, “Simple minds! Simple minds!” There is no better example than the...