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Tom Bennett Kayenta

Tom Bennett performs at Kayenta Theater

Tom Bennett, the one-man band, will perform this Saturday, Aug. 29, at the Kayenta outdoor theater at 8 p.m. The outdoor theater is the...
Mandy Cook

Album Review and Interview: Mandy Cook’s jazz-folk jewel, “See”

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o4g4QhkILYo Nashville is known as several things: The Baptist Vatican, the country music hub of the world, the global Christian music headquarters, and where all...
Album reveiw of 'One Lost Day' by Indigo Girls

Album Review: ‘One Lost Day’ by Indigo Girls – This machine...

https://youtu.be/wwrHzhuKtwk Femme-folk rockers Amy Ray and Emily Saliers have known each other since elementary school and have been playing as a duo since their high...