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He Said He Said by Pat Bagley

He Said He Said

He Said He Said by Pat Bagley The viewpoints expressed above are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of The Independent. How...
The Wages of Sin: Sean Vanity

The Wages of Sin: Sean Vanity

The Wages of Sin: Sean Vanity The viewpoints expressed above are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of The Independent. How to...
cable satellite television costs

Only $4 a day isn’t that much for cable or satellite...

Written by Glenn Thomas Why are so many people complaining about the small fee (about $4 a day) that satellite and cable companies charge? As a...
Obama reform judicial system

CARTOON: ‘Blazing Paranoia’

From cartoonist Clay Jones about 'Blazing Paranoia,' prison and judicial reform, and Bill O'Reilly scaring old white people Earlier this week, a fan on social...
School Where creativity goes to die

School: Where creativity goes to die

Earlier this month I was more than amazed that a southern Utah school principal told Native American second-grade student Jakobe Sanden he could not...
Trump press Univision Ramos

CARTOON: ‘Trumping the Press’

From cartoonist Clay Jones about 'Trumping the Press' Just because I don’t draw enough Donald Trump cartoons. The media tends to stick up for each other....

CARTOON: ‘No Time for Sandwiches’ by Stephen Bowers

'No Time for Sandwiches' by Stephen Bowers
Cartoon: 'Tough Question' by Clay Jones

CARTOON: ‘Tough Question’ by Clay Jones

From the cartoonist: I watched the first Republican debate in a bar with some friends. First time, and probably the last, I have ever asked...