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Tag: George Clooney

Movie Review: “Ticket To Paradise” represents the most shallow of rom-com...

To call the new romantic comedy “Ticket to Paradise” formulaic would be a gross understatement. It’s predictable beyond belief and not altogether as charming as I would have hoped, particularly given the affable nature of its stars.

Movie Review: “Money Monster” features strong cast in subpar movie

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=va-0o_xBVnU MOVIE REVIEW: MONEY MONSTER (R) Famed actress Jodie Foster returns to the director's chair for the first time since 2011's "The Beaver," starring Mel Gibson. With "Money...

Movie Review: ‘Hail, Caesar!’ a true movie lover’s movie!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kMqeoW3XRa0 MOVIE REVIEW: "HAIL, CAESAR!" (PG-13)   We'll start by stating the obvious: There are few voices in American cinema that are as distinct as the Coen Brothers....