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Tag: government shutdown

Plan B, Randall Enos, southern Utah, Utah, St. George, The Independent, trump,border wall,government shutdown,national emergency,illegal immigration,security funding

Plan B

Plan B The viewpoints expressed above are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of The Independent. How to submit an article, guest...
Trump vs Pelosi, Daryl Cagle, southern Utah, Utah, St. George, The Independent, Donald Trump,president,Nancy Pelosi,Speaker of the House,Congress,boxing,sports,government shutdown,congress-2019,donald-trump-2019,donld-trump-2019

Trump vs Pelosi

Trump vs Pelosi The viewpoints expressed above are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of The Independent. How to submit an article,...
Trump vs Pelosi II, Bruce Plante, southern Utah, Utah, St. George, The Independent, Trump vs Pelosi II, President Donald J Trump, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Government Shutdown, unpaid government workers

Trump vs Pelosi II

Trump vs Pelosi II The viewpoints expressed above are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of The Independent. How to submit an...
Wall Trump Pelosi, Sean Delonas, southern Utah, Utah, St. George, The Independent, President Donald Trump, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Immigration, Funding Border Wall, Government Shutdown, Democrats,

Wall Trump Pelosi

Wall Trump Pelosi The viewpoints expressed above are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of The Independent. How to submit an article,...
With increasing numbers of furloughed workers missing a paycheck during the current government shutdown, Hunger Free America announced "Fed Food."

Hunger Free America opens “Fed Food” hotline for volunteers, furloughed workers

Hunger Free America opens "Fed Food" hotline for volunteers, furloughed workers By Nicole Aber With increasing numbers of furloughed workers for the federal government and federal...
Pelosi Secures Border, southern Utah, Utah, St. George, The Independent, Nancy Pelosi,Border Wall,DACA,Dreamers,Illegal Immigrants,Illegal Immigration,Border Security,Migrant Workers,Caravan,Amnesty,Government Shutdown,

Pelosi Secures Border

Pelosi Secures Border The viewpoints expressed above are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of The Independent. How to submit an article,...
Partisan wrangling match, Taylor Jones, southern Utah, Utah, St. George, The Independent, partisanship,democrats,republicans,congress,partisan gridlock,continuing resolutions,government shutdown,far left,far right,the center,wrestling match, wrangling

Partisan wrangling match

Partisan wrangling match The viewpoints expressed above are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of The Independent. How to submit an article,...
Romney Dog Trump, Sean Delonas, southern Utah, Utah, St. George, The Independent, Donald Trump, Mitt Romney, democrats, Bipartisanship, Government Shutdown,

Romney Dog Trump

Romney Dog Trump The viewpoints expressed above are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of The Independent. How to submit an article,...
Are you not entertained?, John Darkow, southern Utah, Utah, St. George, The Independent, Trump,divided government,stock market,Mueller,government shutdown,staff turnover,Twitter,2020 election

Are you not entertained?

Are you not entertained? The viewpoints expressed above are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of The Independent. How to submit an...
Let us keep the partial government shutdown in place until we get a commitment from both parties for the whole $25 billion needed or legislation to redirect the funding of illegal immigrants’ welfare-funded lifestyles to the wall.

The government shutdown is necessary for national security

Government “shutdown” necessary for national security The federal government desperately needs to diet. Much of our spending is constitutionally dubious, and it is immoral to...