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Hiking Southern Utah: Gardner Peak

Hiking Southern Utah: Gardner Peak

The trail begins in a meadow heading northwest but quickly plunges into the trees and begins ascending the very toe of the mountain.
Hiking Southern Utah: Zion Canyon Overlook

Hiking Southern Utah: Zion Canyon Overlook

If you are looking for a high-elevation viewpoint but do not want to tackle grueling trails like Observation Point and Angels Landing, then the Canyon Overlook Trail is ideal.
Hiking Southern Utah Johnson Canyon and Scout Cave

Hiking Southern Utah: Johnson Canyon and Scout Cave

The combined trails of Johnson Canyon and Scout Cave are an excellent way to spend a few hours hiking, with stunning features including a 200-foot-wide arch, a surprisingly lush spring, stunning views of the Ivins area, and a huge, cathedral-like cave.
Hiking Southern Utah: Pine Park

Hiking Southern Utah: Pine Park

Pine Park is a long-forgotten wonderland of white volcanic pinnacles and cones (very reminiscent of the fairy towers of Cappadocia, Turkey) located in a veritable wilderness west of Enterprise.
Hiking Southern Utah T-Bone Hill

Hiking Southern Utah: T-Bone Hill

T-Bone Mesa is a semi-prominent landmark of the St. George area, visible primarily from the eastern portion of Red Hills Parkway.
Hiking Southern Utah Paradise Canyon

Hiking Southern Utah: Paradise Canyon, the “Central Park” of St. George

There is so much to explore and do outside in southern Utah that sometimes we forget the gems right in our own backyard.
Hiking Southern Utah Three Peaks Mountain

Hiking Southern Utah: Three Peaks Mountain

Three Peaks (my name for it) is an obscure mountain located near Stoddard Mountain between Enterprise and Cedar City.
Hiking Southern Utah Hurricane Cliffs Rim Trail

Southern Utah Hikes: Hurricane Cliffs Rim Trail

The Hurricane Cliffs Trail System is like a bigger, more expansive version of Chuckwalla and is a great place to get out and hike, walk, or ride. 
Hiking Southern Utah Dead Horse Point

Hiking Southern Utah: Dead Horse Point

Millions of years of geologic activity created spectacular views from Dead Horse Point State Park. Deposition of sediments by ancient oceans, freshwater lakes, streams, and windblown sand dunes created the rock layers of canyon country.

Hiking Southern Utah: Gold Strike Canyon

While Gold Strike Canyon is not in southern Utah, it is within driving distance from southern Utah to complete it as a day hike.