Home Tags Hillary clinton

Tag: hillary clinton

political cartoon Bernie Sanders Hillary Clinton unicorn

CARTOON: “Bernie’s Pretty Little Unicorn”

From cartoonist Clay Jones on "Bernie's Pretty Little Unicorn," gangsters, and how Bernie Sanders stole Hillary Clinton's thunder I went a little Godfather on you...
political cartoon Democratic debate

CARTOON: “An Intelligent Debate?”

From cartoonist Clay Jones on "An Intelligent Debate?" and how boring the Democratic debate was without penis references and boogers I watched the Democratic debate...
political cartoon OJ Simpson Hillary Clinton

CARTOON: “OJ’s Knife”

From cartoonist Clay Jones on "OJ's Knife," Hillary Clinton's server, and the geek who installed it Breaking news! They found a knife that was found...
cartoon Clay Jones Hillarylicious claytoonz

CARTOON: ‘Hillarylicious’

From Claytoonz.com cartoonist Clay Jones on "Hillarylicious," free tuition in Hell, and Jones' official non-endorsement Sometimes a reader will tell me that I have a...
cartoon Stuck With Trump Clay Jones

CARTOON: ‘Stuck With Trump’

From cartoonist Clay Jones on "Stuck With Trump," Marcobot spankings, and orange frontrunners Takeaways from the New Hampshire Republican Primary. First: Is Donald Trump getting oranger?...
sexism bill clinton

Cartoon: ‘Feel the Sexism’

You would think if you want someone to lead the charge against sexism, Bill Clinton is not your man. Bill Clinton, Madeleine Albright and Gloria...
CARTOON Hillary is Progressive Clay Jones

CARTOON: ‘Hillary is Progressive’

From cartoonist Clay Jones on "Hillary is Progressive," cartoon bondage, and how proud he is that he didn't draw barf There’s a really stupid argument...
Hillary Clinton Bernie Sanders' record

CARTOON: ‘Hillary on Bernie’s Record’

From cartoonist Clay Jones about 'Hillary on Bernie's record' and being too tired for commentary but not too tired for the Eagles Hillary Clinton doesn’t...
Donald Trump attack Bill Clinton's philandering

CARTOON: ‘Pantless Pot, Meet Pantless Kettle’

From cartoonist Clay Jones about 'Pantless Pot, Meet Pantless Kettle,' the Donald Trump attack on Bill Clinton's philandering, and Trump's infatuation with the Clintons Straight...
Trump Bill Clinton's sex life

CARTOON: ‘Trump Talks About Bill’

From cartoonist Clay Jones about 'Trump Talks About Bill,' the lack of many secrets concerning Bill Clinton's sex life, and the other Bill in...