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Tag: I hate Jason Gottfried

Your Weekly Horoscope by Trippy Koala

Your Weekly Horoscope

Your Weekly Horoscope by Trippy Koala These horoscopes are provided for entertainment purposes only. The authors cannot be held responsible for any decisions or actions...
Your Weekly Horoscope by Trippy Koala

Your Weekly Horoscope

Your Weekly Horoscope by Trippy Koala These horoscopes are provided for entertainment purposes only. The authors cannot be held responsible for any decisions or actions...
Your Weekly Horoscope Trippy Koala

Your Weekly Horoscope

Your Weekly Horoscope by Trippy Koala These horoscopes are provided for entertainment purposes only. The authors cannot be held responsible for any decisions or actions...
Your Weekly Horoscope by Trippy Koala

Your Weekly Horoscope

Your Weekly Horoscope by Trippy Koala These horoscopes are provided for entertainment purposes only. The authors cannot be held responsible for any decisions or actions...
Your Weekly Horoscope Trippy Koala Tryptophan the All-Knowing Koala

Your Weekly Horoscope

Your Weekly Horoscope by Trippy Koala These horoscopes are provided for entertainment purposes only. The authors cannot be held responsible for any decisions or actions...
Eight ways to fortify marital bonds and rekindle your marriage

Eight ways to fortify marital bonds and rekindle your marriage

By Jamnit Frainkle, licensed marriage counselor Let’s face it: Marriage is the single stupidest thing involving the government that two people can do together. One...
On President Donald Trump and what this election proved to me

On President Donald Trump and what this election proved to me

President Donald Trump is here. Yikes. It's a nightmare for some and vindication for others. It's just one possible outcome of a lose-lose situation...
pre-election angst

Eight tips for dealing with pre-election angst

Who are you voting for? Who cares? We’re boned either way. Here’s the real question: What are you doing to cope with pre-election angst? You...
Diary of Lisa Frank

Diary of Lisa Frank describes growing up in peace-torn Michigan

Historians raced to the Great Lakes area after an abandoned building filled mostly with glitter, pink and blue feathers, and phosphorescent animal fur was...
Voter fraud, Wikileaks, and cocaine: Debunking Clay Jones' liberal propaganda, part II

Voter fraud, Wikileaks, and cocaine: Debunking Clay Jones’ liberal propaganda, part...

Clay Jones is really hitting them out of the park lately. Some of the things he's written recently about voter fraud not existing, collusion...