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Tag: Jason Gottfried

Vegan ladies are hot

Let’s face it: vegan ladies are hot

Look, I don’t mean to objectify anyone by saying that vegan ladies are hot. All people are beautiful (at least to their mothers) and...
Album review Chris Cornell Higher Truth

Album Review: Chris Cornell’s ‘Higher Truth’ reaches new heights

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KhJ9IwYc5NU Album Review: Chris Cornell's "Higher Truth" How many frontmen and frontwomen have ditched their bands or walked away from a messy breakup, only to rise...
Album Review Lana Del Rey Honeymoon

Album Review: Lana Del Rey’s ‘Honeymoon’ is masterfully melancholy

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2VBFxt4zOM Perhaps the concept of a singer as a musical heroine is a product of nearly a century of the American-British pop music movement just...
Bend Sinister Vladamir Nabokov book review

Book Review: “Bend Sinister” by Vladimir Nabokov

"Bend Sinister" by Vladimir Nabokov Vintage, 1990. 272 pages. If you’ve read Nabokov, you know that the story itself is almost entirely beside the point. Like...
smartphone selfies screen time mental illness

Screen time, selfies, suicide, and mental illness: smash your smartphone

I don’t have a smartphone, and I don’t want one. As a congregant at the church of Lud, it conflicts with my religious beliefs....
Duran Duran Paper Gods album review

Album Review: Duran Duran’s ‘Paper Gods’ is paper thin

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gG3k7YJhf98 One could say that the EDM aesthetic is an inevitable result of the precedent set decades ago by Duran Duran, among others. Perhaps no...
Album Review Ben Folds So There

Album Review: Ben Folds’ ‘So There’ is unique neoclassical pop

  As the title suggests, Ben Folds has something to prove. And after a listen, the title is appropriate. “So There” is quite the display...
Poop in meat

Hamburgers and coprophagia: There’s poop in your meat, y’all

The other day, I was with my four-year-old daughter—who incidentally is like a vegan version of Princess Mononoke: a self-proclaimed protector and defender of...
Miley Cyrus and her Dead Petz album review

Album Review: Words cannot describe “Miley Cyrus and her Dead Petz”

https://youtu.be/QIbH7a__RBo Album Review: "Miley Cyrus and her Dead Petz" (no stars) All Miley Cyrus ever needed was a real dad. And she’s found that in the Flaming...
Lagoon Park protest animal activists Utah

The Lagoon Park protest: Apparently, Utah is the police state of...

The problem with a state that is famously dominated by religion is that its sins are twice as glaring. Lagoon Park is an amusement park...