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Tag: Jeb Bush

Utah voters Bush over Trump

New poll shows Utah voters favor Bush over Trump

In the latest poll released by Dan Jones and Associates for UtahPolicy.com, Utah voters have shown that they favor presidential candidate and former Florida...
cartoon Fiorina Republican debate

‘Reagan’s Boots’ cartoon & commentary on Republican debate

From cartoonist Clay Jones about 'Reagan's Boots,' Carly Fiorina, and the second Republican debate While winning on style, Fiorina was full of crap. Also, just...
death of Republican Party

The death of the Republican Party

The Republican Party faces a harrowing crossroads: take the path towards meaningful changes to their platform, inflammatory rhetoric, and potential voter demographic, or maintain...
Donald Trump bilingual America

CARTOON: ‘No Hablo Trumpism’

From cartoonist Clay Jones about 'No Hablo Trumpism,' a bilingual 'America,' and Campaign 2016 A student asked Jeb! Bush a question in Spanish the other...
Jeb Bush Anchor Baby close crop

CARTOON: ‘The Biggest Anchor Baby’

From cartoonist Clay Jones about 'The Biggest Anchor Baby' Jeb Bush used the term “Anchor Baby” and is confused when people find it offensive. He...
The Utah presidential primary 2016 poll | Trump Rubio

Utah presidential primary 2016 poll shows Trump, Rubio winning Aug. 6...

A Utah presidential primary 2016 poll conducted by UtahPolicy.com shows that more Utahns believe U.S. presidential contenders businessman Donald Trump and Florida Senator Marco...
CARTOON: 'Black Lives Lather' by Clay Jones- crop

CARTOON: ‘Black Lives Lather’ by Clay Jones

From the cartoonist: Here’s the thing about the Black Lives Movement a lot of conservatives don’t understand. For centuries—not just decades, centuries—black lives did not...
Utah presidential primary Jeb Bush Hillary Clinton Bernie Sanders

Utahns evenly divided on Bush, Clinton, or Sanders for president, new...

According to a recent poll conducted by Dan Jones & Associates and published at UtahPolicy.com, Utah voters are nearly equally divided regarding their support...
Cartoon: 'Tough Question' by Clay Jones

CARTOON: ‘Tough Question’ by Clay Jones

From the cartoonist: I watched the first Republican debate in a bar with some friends. First time, and probably the last, I have ever asked...
What the Koch brothers are planning with the influence they buy

What the Koch brothers are planning with the influence they buy

Let’s start with the assumption that the Koch Brothers are sincere in their desire to create a future state that holds the opportunity for...