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Tag: Laurie Nelson-Barker

Could you survive an EMP weapon?

Could you survive an EMP weapon?

My book club is reading "One Second After." it's about the aftermath in a small mountain town after the United States was hit by...
merits of both candidates

The opposition is not the enemy

I was half listening to “Meet the Press” the other morning and overheard the comment, “The opposition is not the enemy.” I don’t even...
Don't leave home without your MoleBox

Don’t leave home without your MoleBox

I am a fan of technology, seriously. But as someone who remembers rotary dial phones, rapidly changing devices and techniques can be a bit...
Welcome to "The Apprentice, Twilight Zone"

Welcome to “The Apprentice, Twilight Zone”

I keep having a nightmare. I'm in "The Apprentice, Twilight Zone," and I just got fired. Sometimes it's because I'm not attractive enough, and...
animal cruelty legislation

Cruelty has no limits

By Marianne Mansfield and Laurie Nelson-Barker “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”...
time to change dimensions

It may be time to change dimensions

I should stop reading and listening to audiobooks. Now I'm convinced that time is not linear, that it is collapsing, and that there are...
technology paranoia

The crippling effects of technology paranoia

Approximately 20 years ago, Mrs. Kravitz exercised her perceived obligation to let me know that there is a UPC code in treasury bills, and...
Were the authors of Utah liquor laws drunk?

Were the authors of Utah liquor laws drunk?

I don't understand Utah liquor laws, and it's not because I haven't tried. I'm a Utah native who has an occasional glass of wine...
overpopulation dan brown inferno

Overpopulation and Dan Brown’s “Inferno”: the piece I didn’t mean to...

I've been thinking about writing this for a few days. I had it planned. I knew exactly what I was going to say. This...
Washington County Fair

Maybe you will go to the Washington County Fair

Maybe you will go to the Washington County Fair. Perhaps you will take your children, grandchildren, a friend's children, or no children. You will...