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Tag: LDS Church

non-Mormons in Utah

It’s possible to be non-Mormon in Utah without being anti-Mormon

Sometimes it feels like everyone in Utah is looking for a fight, and just like some of the greatest fights in history , the...
Modern-day "Odd Couple" plays out starring LGBT Community and LDS Church

Modern-day “Odd Couple” plays out starring LGBTQ community and LDS Church

Neil Simon's “The Odd Couple” offers a glimpse into the lives of two strangely paired individuals. As polar opposites in many ways, Oscar and...
Cedar City temple groundbreaking ceremony two years in the making

Cedar City temple groundbreaking ceremony two years in the making

The light breeze left behind from Friday’s thunderstorm was just enough to cool the air from the hot sun shining on the crowd of...
I understand the concerns regarding gay scout leaders and the LDS Church

I understand the concerns regarding gay scout leaders and the LDS...

  When I heard that the Boy Scouts of America had ended its ban on gay scout leaders, my first thought was, “Good for them.”...
Mormon Church LDS Seer Stone

LDS Church releases images of seer stone used by Joseph Smith

In an effort to demystify some of the LDS Church’s history, Church officials released photographs of Joseph Smith's ‘seer stone.’ Images of the object...