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It’s The Mandates, Stupid

Democrats have spent the last year bashing and shaming anyone opposed to mask or vaccine mandates, vilifying them as insurrectionists, terrorists

Editorial Cartoon: Masks Hung By The Chimney

Masks Hung by the Chimney
Nancy Pelosi

Nancy Pelosi Among the Election’s Biggest Losers

While Pelosi will continue to have a voice, it will be a muted one, unlike the megaphone she wielded for the past four years belaboring President Donald Trump and exercising what she was convinced was a brilliant political and campaign strategy.
Mask Wearing

Just Put The Damn Mask On

Look, it simply makes sense. Medical services are stressed throughout the state with record numbers of cases being registered on a daily basis. Something had to be done, even if it bucked populist extremism.
Masks and Halloween

Editorial Cartoon: Masks and Halloween

Masks and Halloween
Halloween and Covid-19

Editorial Cartoon: Halloween and COVID-19

Are you ready for Halloween this year?!!
Disney reopening

Disney Reopening

Disney Reopening

Freedom, Limitations, and Lifestyles

To some freedom means doing what they want, when they want, and how they want with little if any regard for others.  To others, it means freedom to do what they want, when they want, and how they want as long as those actions don’t harm others.
Coronavirus Advice

Overwhelmed by Coronavirus Advice? Act Like A Toddler.

We’re getting a lot of advice these days. Some of the tips for the pandemic are good, such as wearing masks. Some of it - like injecting bleach - is actually dangerous.