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Tag: mental health

COVID-19 Education

Burdens of COVID Hit Hardest Among Marginalized Students

While the hardships of the COVID-19 era can make it incredibly difficult to be academically successful or even continue school at all, new efforts are helping close the gap during this difficult time.
mental health pandemic

A Mental Health Pandemic Waits in the Wings.

COVID-19 has got to be getting to you to some degree or another. It is why we have a mental health pandemic waiting in the wings.
Mental Health

Intermountain Virtual Mental Health Event Aims to Connect People with Resources

Mental health challenges can affect anyone at any age, especially when the world seems to be in a state of constant crisis and change.
mental health

Supporting Workers’ Mental Health

The challenges brought to daily life by the COVID-19 pandemic have spurred many businesses to consider ways they can support employees’ mental health.
COVID-19 Depression

Pandemic Depression: Genetic Insight May Help Treatment

Social isolation during the pandemic may pose a mental health threat for those already at risk for COVID-19—people over age 65.
Covid Related Stress

Utah Offers Free Counseling for COVID-Related Stress

“Most of us have never experienced a pandemic or such a shift in our everyday way of life, “ said Robert Snarr, the state’s grant administrator for the Recovery Project. “It is normal to feel stress
Balancing helping others with self-care

Balancing helping others with self-care

When I was young, my father and I bonded over archery. Dad taught me that I had to unstring the bow when I wasn't...
political cartoon Democratic debate

CARTOON: “An Intelligent Debate?”

From cartoonist Clay Jones on "An Intelligent Debate?" and how boring the Democratic debate was without penis references and boogers I watched the Democratic debate...
Understanding and preventing suicide

Understanding and preventing suicide

This weekend I received some devastating news that rocked my entire immediate and extended family. My nephew who was 35, married and had two...