Tag: Michael Dillman
The Indy Top Ten of 2015: Opinion
If I had to decide what the best opinion pieces of the year were, I'd be paralyzed with indecision. But our readers were clearly...
Just in time for Christmas, Millennials are ditching religion
The United States has long been seen, on a domestic as well as an international level, as a deeply religious place.
However, Millennials are ditching...
Seeking refuge in America: the continued betrayal of our values
In the spring of 1939, a transatlantic liner called the "St. Louis" sailed from Germany and headed for Cuba. The ship had 937 passengers,...
Ben Carson’s Seventh-day Adventism adversely affects presidential bid
Ben Carson, hailed by conservatives for both is veteran neurosurgery skill and his complete lack of political experience and knowledge, is the new Republican...
The death of the Republican Party
The Republican Party faces a harrowing crossroads: take the path towards meaningful changes to their platform, inflammatory rhetoric, and potential voter demographic, or maintain...