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Tag: Michael Reagan

After two years of being wrong about Trump and the Russians, Democrats and the liberal media have all but ensured the reelection of Donald Trump.

The reelection of Donald Trump

After two years of being wrong about Trump and the Russians, Democrats and the liberal media have all but ensured the reelection of Donald Trump.
If you want your state to become a fiscal and social wreck like California, vote against America: vote Democrat.

Vote against America: vote Democrat

Vote against America: vote Democrat By Michael Reagan The midterms are coming up in a couple of weeks, in case you hadn't noticed. I'm living out here...
Maybe it's all true. Maybe it's all BS. But the New York Times hit a new low in its war on Trump last week when It published an anonymous op-ed piece.

Resistance in the White House

Resistance in the White House By Michael Reagan The stories of chaos, craziness, and betrayal going on inside the Trump White House are nothing to worry...