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Tag: Mormon

feminist mormon fireside

The feminist and the fireside: Gender issues in Mormon dialogue

Every time we go to a Young Women/Young Men fireside, a periodic inspirational meeting for youth in the LDS church, I have a chat...
families are forever

Why it’s harmful to say that families are forever

How long can one be in Utah without hearing the phrase, “families are forever”? Not long, I’d wager. However, behaving as if families are...
grief Mormon

Grief in a Mormon community

It still seems unreal to me. I look at the snapshot taken on Thursday, March 10, and try to convince my brain that within...
Catholics, Evangelicals, and Mormons

When Easter was shared by a Mormon, a Catholic, and an...

Catholics, Evangelicals, and Mormons. Three divergent branches of Christianity whose doctrinal differences have led to everything from declaring each other un-Christian to literal bloodshed....
St. George Temple Visitors' Center

St. George Temple Visitors’ Center reopens

After a two-month closure for "refreshing," the St. George Temple Visitors' Center at 490 S 300 E reopened officially on February 29. "We have looked...
afraid of Mormons

Are you afraid of Mormons?

I should start by saying that my immediate Mormon neighbors here in Cedar City are simply wonderful, and having a good neighbor is an...
Millennials are ditching religion

The Indy Top Ten of 2015: Opinion

If I had to decide what the best opinion pieces of the year were, I'd be paralyzed with indecision. But our readers were clearly...
Millennials are ditching religion

Just in time for Christmas, Millennials are ditching religion

The United States has long been seen, on a domestic as well as an international level, as a deeply religious place. However, Millennials are ditching...
What Jesus wants for his birthday

What Jesus wants for his birthday

I’m not sure how I’d feel if for my birthday, my friends gave gifts to everyone but me. Yet that’s exactly what Jesus wants,...
CARTOON LDS Church baptizing children gay parents

CARTOON: ‘Saved to Death’

From cartoonist Clay Jones about 'Saved to Death,' the LDS Church's stance on baptizing children of gay parents, and pre-1978 black guys The Church of...