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Adam Mast

25 Years Writing For The Independent: Adam Mast Looks Back at...

Adam Mast - The year was 1996. Much simpler and less contentious times to say the least. A time when, among other things, CD stores were still a thing.

Movie Review: “Nomadland” is a soulful ode to living off the...

This is a quiet, thoughtful little movie and while it isn't flashy in any way,  "Nomadland" is certainly large in terms of character, particularly where this film's lead is concerned.

The Best Films of 2020!

Top Ten Movies 2020 - The following 2020 films moved me in a variety of ways. If you opt to seek them out, I hope they'll move you, too.

Four Brand New Christmas Titles To Stream This Holiday Season

Here are 4 brand new Christmas titles worthy of your viewing pleasure during the most wonderful time of the year

FMASU and A Merry Movie Christmas Pay Tribute to Root For...

"A Merry Movie Christmas," a film-centric holiday-inspired event for all ages created as both a springboard for local filmmaking talent and as a fundraiser for important local causes. This year, half of the proceeds from "A Merry Movie Christmas" will go to Root For Kids,

Must-Watch Christmas Movies: 5 Golden Holiday Standards

As a refresher, here's a list of holiday golden standards that are sure to fill you with a healthy dose of Christmas spirit over the next month.

Must-Watch Christmas Movies: 5 Unconventional Holiday Gems

Christmas movies come in all different shapes and sizes so rather than simply putting together a single list of golden holiday standards, I thought I'd

Movie Review: “Hubie Halloween” Features a Goofy Sandler Being Fittingly… Goofy!

Listen..."Hubie Halloween is silly, dumb, juvenile, and ridiculous but you know what? I kind of enjoyed it.

Movie Review: “Tenet” is probably about as good as you’ve heard…Or...

Clearly, Nolan is working on a different wavelength than the majority of his contemporaries and that's why he's one of the most celebrated filmmakers of the last 20 years. But with "Tenet," he's crafted a film that's far more interesting from a visual standpoint then it is from a story or character standpoint.

Movie Review: “Unhinged” isn’t nearly as strong as the films it...

"Unhinged" is certainly a film that lives up to its title but does that make it a good movie? Not necessarily.