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Globalists are praising Trump's sovereignty-destroying replacement of NAFTA — seemingly a merged agreement of the worst parts of NAFTA and TPP.

Trump duped: Globalists love his new NAFTA/TPP merged agreement

Trump duped: Globalists love his new NAFTA/TPP merged agreement No one has been more outspoken against the globalist agenda than President Donald Trump. His “America...
NAFTA needs strong intellectual property protections for America’s creators and innovators

NAFTA needs strong intellectual property protections for America’s creators and innovators

NAFTA needs strong intellectual property protections for America’s creators and innovators By Brian Pomper As the United States pushes to finish negotiations to modernize and rebalance...
Trade negotiators are hashing out a new NAFTA. One of the biggest sticking points is the strength of intellectual property protections.

A new NAFTA could cure disease

A new NAFTA could cure disease By Charles Boustany American, Canadian, and Mexican trade negotiators are in the midst of hashing out a new North American...
NAFTA supplies America with energy and power

NAFTA supplies America with energy and power

NAFTA supplies America with energy and power By Kyle Isakower The Trump Administration unveiled an agenda for "energy dominance" shortly after taking office, promising to curb...