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Tag: politics

The problem with political labels

The problem with political labels

As a communication studies professor who specializes in studying intercultural interactions, I am constantly amazed at how desperately so many people in our country...
2016 presidential election

Trumping the 2016 presidential election

I’m supposed to have an opinion. Generally, when writing an opinion column, that’s the case. And certainly as an educated person with strong feelings...
Donald Trump

Is Donald Trump what America really wants?

Is Donald Trump what America really wants? Or needs, even? Are there so many people out there so pissed off they simply want to...
Charlene Albarran

Charlene Albarran shouldn’t make me hopeful, should she?

I met Charlene Albarran on Wednesday at a local coffee house, and she made me more hopeful than I wanted to be. In fact,...
time for self-appraisal

A time for self-appraisal

It's that annual time for self-appraisal, and I, no less than others, feel somehow morally compelled to participate. During this time for self-appraisal, my own stock-taking...
two-party dynamic

The two-party dynamic has created a broken system

I try not to read the news too frequently, because I know that it’s never the real story. There’s no such thing as the...

The nontraditional Thanksgiving

Over the past five years, our family has experienced the most nontraditional Thanksgiving celebrations I could have ever imagined. It's not as if we've celebrated the...
utah women deserve better

Hey lady, what do you want? Or, why Utah women deserve...

Hey lady, what do you want? Do women want equal pay? Family leave? Promotions? Affordable childcare? Options? Equality? Dependable healthcare? Lusher lashes? Anti-aging serum? Bracelets? Colorful cosmetics?...
Would you teach your children to tell the truth

Would you teach your children to tell the truth?

Would you teach your children to tell the truth? Would you take the high road if you could choose? —John Mellencamp, "Your Life is Now" From...

Bernie or Bust! Why you should vote for Bernie Sanders or...

Recently I got into an argument with a friend about the upcoming U.S. presidential elections. Typical, right? However, unlike most current political debates which...