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Tag: President Trump


Taking It To Extremes

It is not extremism to oppose this lunacy, to expose this man who once took an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States.
January 6th

Trump 2024 Is Too Risky For Republicans

The good news for Republicans is that this fall, thanks to Joe Biden, it looks like nothing is going to prevent a Red wave from flushing Democrats out
President Trump

Dr. Oz, One of Trump’s Flying Monkeys

President Trump - Clearly, the Democrats have had a difficult time keeping their heads above water let alone walking upon it these last few years.
President Donald Trump

Who Ran America Before President Donald Trump?

Before President Donald Trump, no candidate for president got to office without their approval.  Their influence brings to the top of each party a candidate
China's Influence

New Proof Positive that China Voted in America’s Election.

China's Influence - Military intelligence shows no vote transferred from Biden to Trump, only millions going the other way.  Even counting the dead
President Trump Impeachment

President Trump Second Impeachment

Second Impeachment - The nation remains divided on President Trump, even though the tilt seems to be wavering against him at the moment. They don’t like him
Republican Party

Refocusing the Republican Party

Republicans traditionally have been portrayed as the pro-business party of the wealthy. Despite this image, five of the last eight presidents in the last 52 years have been Republicans
Biden Unity

Searching for Unity in a Sea of Exclamation Points

If you watch much television or any television, or if you engage in social media, it’s pretty clear that we tend to punctuate our discourse with exclamation points.
Creepy Joe Biden

Finally, A Responsible Adult In The Room

I’m not privy to the whispered conversations along The Beltway these days, so it would be a fool’s game to predict what will happen in the Senate when the impeachment charge lands there.

Trump Watched On TV As People Died While Trying To Kill...

Historians tend to gloss it over, buffing up the burrs and splinters of our ragged times so they dovetail nicely into this happy, shiny account of democracy