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Tag: Publisher’s perspective

Publisher’s Perspective

Publisher’s Perspective: Challenges and changes

Gazing out the window at the newly fallen snow in Zion Canyon, I ponder my life, my place in the word, and my future....
Publisher’s Perspective

Publisher’s Perspective: Reinventing myself

If you have read my Publisher’s Perspectives for a while, you may have noticed a theme lately. Or maybe a trend. Since moving to...
Publisher’s Perspective

Publisher’s Perspective: Paring down and priming for the future

Now that I’ve moved all my belongings to my new home in Springdale, I have the monumental task of organizing and consolidating even more....
Southern Utah Weekend Events Guide: Videocast and Weather

Publisher’s Perspective: No time like the present

Every month, I wait until basically the last minute to write my monthly message from the publisher. I’d like to think it’s because I...