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Tag: Republicans

Kavanaugh Supreme Court Allegations, Sean Delonas, Kavanaugh, Supreme Court, Allegations, sexual misconduct, yearbook, high school, college, democrats, republicans, senate, trump

Kavanaugh Supreme Court Allegations

Kavanaugh Supreme Court Allegations The viewpoints expressed above are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of The Independent. How to submit an...
Is there worse word among Republicans than "environmentalist?" For many GOP and conservative voters, the term conjures up images of tree-hugging socialists.

“Environmentalism” shouldn’t be a dirty word for Republicans

"Environmentalism" shouldn't be a dirty word for Republicans By Loras Holmberg Is there a more despised word among Republicans than "environmentalist?" For many GOP voters, the...
Savior, Randall Enos, brett kavanaugh,senate conformation hearings,gop,republicans


Savior The viewpoints expressed above are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of The Independent. How to submit an article, guest opinion...
Trump Democrat by RJ Matson

Trump Democrat

Trump Democrat by RJ Matson The viewpoints expressed above are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of The Independent. How to submit...
Republican Symbol by Bob Englehart

Republican Symbol

Republican Symbol by Bob Englehart The viewpoints expressed above are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of The Independent. How to submit...
UTAH Corruption by Pat Bagley


Corruption by Pat Bagley The viewpoints expressed above are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of The Independent. How to submit an...
Utah Voting

Tuesday’s Democratic and Republican Utah primary results

Tuesday evening Utahans turned out en mass to vote in the Republican primary and the Democratic caucus. The turnout in some Salt Lake City...
CARTOON Hillary is Progressive Clay Jones

CARTOON: ‘Hillary is Progressive’

From cartoonist Clay Jones on "Hillary is Progressive," cartoon bondage, and how proud he is that he didn't draw barf There’s a really stupid argument...
I'm glad I'm not a Republican

Why I’m glad I’m not a Republican

Watching the Republican presidential debates is like watching cage fighting to me. Almost nothing is considered below the belt. The ultimate goal of the...

CARTOON: ‘Idiocracy’

From cartoonist Clay Jones about "Idiocracy" the cartoon, "Idiocracy" the movie, and "Idiocracy" our nation The 2006 film "Idiocracy" is about a future where mankind...