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Tag: tariffs

Can't Move To Canada - By John Darkow

Editorial Cartoon: Can’t Move To Canada

Can't Move To Canada - By John Darkow
Santa Passing On The Tariffs - By John Darkow

Editorial Cartoon: Santa Passing On The Tariffs

Santa Passing On The Tariffs - By John Darkow
Joe Rogan

Recap Of Trumps Interview With Joe Rogan

It was a true “lovefest.” Joe Rogan appeared starstruck. Trump and Rogan – surprisingly, given past comments about Trump – agreed virtually on everything.
Trade war and alternative crops, Dave Granlund, agriculture, crops, alternatives, other crops, hemp, marijuana, fall harvest, change, china, food, tariffs, magic mushrooms, cannabis, farmers, farming

Trade war and alternative crops

Trade war and alternative crops The viewpoints expressed above are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of The Independent. How to submit...
Trump China Recession, Sean Delonas, Trump China Recession, President Donal Trump, Xi Jinping General Secretary, China, Tariffs, Trade War, Recession,

Trump China Recession

Trump China Recession The viewpoints expressed above are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of The Independent. How to submit an article,...
Trump's trade war, Bruce Plante, Trumps trade war, President Donald J Trump, tariffs, the American economy, economic downturn, Wall Street whiplash, China, South Korea, Japan, Germany, Europe

Trump’s trade war

Trump's trade war The viewpoints expressed above are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of The Independent. How to submit an article,...
Mexico Tariffs, David Fitzsimmons, southern Utah, Utah, St. George, The Independent, Mexico trade, tariffs, Trump, immigration

Mexico Tariffs

Mexico Tariffs The viewpoints expressed above are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of The Independent. How to submit an article, guest...
Tariff Man, Rick McKee, southern Utah, Utah, St. George, The Independent, Trump, Tariffs, Mexico, Economy, stock market, Tariff Man, immigration

Tariff Man

Tariff Man The viewpoints expressed above are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of The Independent. How to submit an article, guest...
Backfire, Bart van Leeuwen, southern Utah, Utah, St. George, The Independent, tradewar, China, tariffs, tariffman, trump, dragon


Backfire The viewpoints expressed above are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of The Independent. How to submit an article, guest opinion...
Game of Tariffs, Pat Bagley, southern Utah, Utah, St. George, The Independent, China, GoT, Game of Thrones, Trade war, tariffs, Trump, business, farmers, soy beans, soy, economy, free trade, trade, GOP, Republicans, Drogon, dragons

Game of Tariffs

Game of Tariffs The viewpoints expressed above are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of The Independent. How to submit an article,...