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Tag: Varlo Davenport

Judge Karlin Myers first amendment gag press Varlo Davenport

Judge Karlin Myers tries to gag press in Davenport case

"Judge Karlin Myers tries to gag the press in Davenport case." Could there be a more sensational title for an article? Sadly, it is...
theocracy plutocracy southern Utah patriot

A patriot should not bow to the southern Utah theocratic oligarchy

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the king's horses and all the king's men Couldn't put Humpty together again. From my...
Professor Joel Lewis resigned under threat and coercion from DSU President Biff Williams

Professor resigned under threat and coercion from DSU President Biff Williams

On August 14, 2015, Dr. Joel Lewis, a history professor at Dixie State University, was surreptitiously lured into a meeting under the guise of...
Varlo Davenport Mark Houser Dixie State DSU

Dixie State tried to coerce a grade from Varlo Davenport

In the latest hearing regarding the Varlo Davenport case brought about by the City of St. George --- and, by default, Dixie State University...
Varlo Davenport

St. George Justice Court: Be afraid. Be very afraid.

"Loyalty to country, always. Loyalty to government when it deserves it." ---Mark Twain The City of St. George, in particular the justice court, does not...
Varlo Davenport

The Varlo Davenport circus is an abomination of the highest degree

Read the titles of these two articles about the recent events in the Varlo Davenport circus, and see if you notice the difference. The Spectrum...

Theater Review: The Space Between Theatre Company offers fearless theater once...

Although I'm recently on break from writing, there are exceptions: certain shows will bring me out of hiatus. The show I experienced Sunday night...
Varlo Davenport

The Varlo Davenport debacle: It’s getting beyond surreal

It is often said that the only thing necessary for evil to prevail is for good people to do nothing. Sounds good, right? But there...
Varlo Davenport

What the City of St. George has asserted without evidence should...

If you've taken on the insanity of following my column for any period of time, you'll likely notice that I do not often get...
Varlo Davenport Judge Ron Read Michael Carter

Judge Ron Read and attorney Michael Carter’s illegal activities in the...

An interesting thing took place in the case of the alleged assault by Dixie State University professor Varlo Davenport on a student in an...