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Police Brutality

Brothers With Badges Don’t Stem Violence

Justice - There is no reason why anybody, regardless of their suspected crime, deserved to be shackled and beaten to death. The behavior of the Memphis cops
Policing the Police, an article about Appeasement's and how they damage education and law enforcement

Appeasement’s Damage to Education and Law Enforcement

Over the last decade, the elites who run the culture have moved on from the War on Crime to a War on Police. Crime victims are no longer the people robbed, raped or murdered. Now the victims are the people doing the robbing, raping or murdering.
Coexist, Adam Zyglis, southern Utah, Utah, St. George, The Independent, religion, violence, terrorism, eye for an eye, islam, christianity, judaism, sri lanka, church, attacks, easter, passover, san diego, new zealand, coexist


Coexist The viewpoints expressed above are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of The Independent. How to submit an article, guest opinion...
CCHR’s “Psychiatric Drugs Create Violence & Suicide” report a wakeup call on mass violence

CCHR’s “Psychiatric Drugs Create Violence & Suicide” report a wakeup call...

CCHR’s “Psychiatric Drugs Create Violence & Suicide” report a wakeup call on mass violence By Diane Stein Mental health watchdog Citizens Commission on Human Rights says...
Movie Review: "John Wick: Chapter 2" features breathtaking action and a game Keanu Reeves

Movie Review: “John Wick: Chapter 2” features breathtaking action and a...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ChpLV9AMqm4 Movie Review: "John Wick: Chapter 2" (R) As expected, this sequel is bigger, louder, and longer than its beloved predecessor, and while not necessarily better,...
Mesquite Gaming and Tuff-N-Uff present Mayhem in Mesquite IX

Mesquite Gaming and Tuff-N-Uff present Mayhem in Mesquite IX

Mesquite Gaming presents its mixed martial arts amateur fighting championship event, "Mayhem in Mesquite IX," 7 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 13 at the CasaBlanca Events...
American sexual squeamishness

The uncomfortable relationship between sex and violence in America

In college, I spent a year working as a youth counselor at a center for at-risk teens. When I’d tell people what I did,...
DOVE Center Breaking the Silence video

DOVE Center releases “Breaking the Silence” video as part of Domestic...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CN2MDHvaS2I&feature=youtu.be October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and DOVE Center, southern Utah’s local provider of shelter and outreach services for victims of domestic violence, is...