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Tag: violent

Movie Review: “Rambo: Last Blood” worst of franchise

Movie Review: "Rambo: Last Blood" is half baked and obscenely violent alright, but it's hardly a rip on Mexico. He's taking on an evil drug cartel.

Movie Review: “Assassin’s Creed” greatly benefits from Michael Fassbender’s involvement

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4haJD6W136c Movie Review: "Assassin's Creed" (PG-13) Full disclosure: I'm not a gamer. Therefore, I went into "Assassin's Creed" simply as a curious moviegoer. In the end,...
Hardcore Henry movie review

Movie Review: “Hardcore Henry” has moments but it may give you...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96EChBYVFhU MOVIE REVIEW: HARDCORE HENRY (R) Like a hyper kinetic fever dream, the gleefully violent and sadistically funny "Hardcore Henry" blasts into theaters by way of...