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Encourage people not to vote is nonsense

Letter to the Editor: To encourage people not to vote is...

My husband and I recently spent a week visiting the Grand Canyon (North and South Rims), Bryce, and Zion National Parks. As I was...
BluCan recycling St. George

Coming Down the Pike: BluCan recycling in St. George makes it...

Written by St. George Mayor Jon Pike For a number of years, our family collected old newspapers, milk jugs, and other recyclables in boxes in...
Brigham's Playhouse The Secret Garden

Brigham’s Playhouse ‘The Secret Garden’ underway

On Tuesday, Sept. 22, Brigham’s Playhouse opened the captivating musical, “The Secret Garden.” Based on the classic novel written by Frances Hodgson Burnett, this...
Kirsten Holt Beitler art exhibit Beauty in the Eye

Kirsten Holt Beitler opens ‘Beauty in the Eye’ art exhibit at...

During September in the Olive Esplin Art Gallery at the DiFiore Center for the Arts, local artist Kirsten Holt Beitler presents a solo art...