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Tag: William Shakespeare

The new Utah Shakespeare Festival production of “Hamlet” might just be the best version of the Bard’s beloved play you’ll ever see.

Comedic actor is a revelation in Utah Shakespeare Festival’s “Hamlet”

The new Utah Shakespeare Festival production of “Hamlet” might just be the best version of the Bard’s beloved play you’ll ever see.
Utah Shakespeare Festival’s delightful "The Book of Will" is a can’t-miss production

Utah Shakespeare Festival’s delightful “The Book of Will” is a can’t-miss...

“The Book of Will” at the Utah Shakespeare Festival in Cedar City is a play for people who love Shakespeare. But it’s also the must-see play of the summer.
Guess Fred C. Adams Middle Name

‘Guess Fred C. Adams’ Middle Name’ annual competition begins Feb. 1

Preparations are underway for Cedar City’s annual “Guess Fred C. Adams’ Middle Name” competition starting on Feb. 1. With the founder of the Cedar...
Theater Review: "The Taming of the Shrew” at Utah Shakespeare Festival

Theater Review: “The Taming of the Shrew” at Utah Shakespeare Festival

Written by Brooke Bang “The Taming of the Shrew” is one of Shakespeare’s most popular comedies, though many would consider this a romance above all...