The 18th annual July Jamboree Show and Shine is this Saturday, July 11, from 4 to 10 p.m. on Main Street in Cedar City. The street will be closed, and traffic will be rerouted as the vendors, guests, show cars, and bikes fill up the lanes.
This is a great family-friendly event where you can buy snow cones or a bag of kettle corn and snack while strolling along, viewing over 200 show cars and bikes. Vendors will line each side of the street promoting goods and services, usually handing out freebies or lending the opportunity to enter a drawing to win prizes. Some may offer free activities for the entire family as well.
Other activities, such as a climbing wall or inflatables, may be available at a low ticket price.
This event is sponsored by The Rotary Club of Cedar City, and all proceeds will go to humanitarian and charitable projects.
For more information, visit http://www.julyjamboree.com.