Introducing your child to the world of music is commonly regarded as a fantastic way to help them realize their potential as they grow into adulthood. In the right context, music training supports creativity, scholastic achievement, enthusiasm, and teamwork. Our schools present generalized music education. Private lessons go well beyond the basics, but there can be difficulties in getting a youth to stick with it. There needs to be a motivation for continued practicing. St. George is fortunate to have a unique way of reinforcing musical ambitions. Allow me to introduce The Academy.
Nestled away in a warehouse complex at 415 S. Dixie Dr., The Academy provides individual and band formats that really hit the mark by giving kids a music training that continually appeals to them. The owners, Dick and Alice Ericksen, are two of the most recognized and accomplished musicians in town. Within this complex are personal lesson rooms, a band rehearsal facility, and a “hangout” lobby for breaks. The magic is presented in a two-pronged approach: private music lessons and band training that synergistically support each other. Students advance their skills and enthusiasm at an admirable rate.
Alice provides the background story.
“In 2007, Bucky Flowers had the brainchild of providing a school of rock for kids. He started it in The Electric Theater downtown. The model of The Academy is that kids come in and select their instrument for private lessons. But then, in addition to that they get to join a group setting and learn to play as a band and experience live shows.”
Generally, there are about ten different groups. Students start in beginners groups and eventually move into the advanced show band as their progress and interest dictates. The set list (songs to learn for the group) is established up front. Personal music lessons support band goals. Students are given printed materials and CDs to guide them. During the band rehearsal sessions, students are educated about the legacy and importance of the songs. Parts are described and drilled. Stage presence is explained. Student respond with enthusiasm that gives them impetus to improve for the sake of the group. They develop pride in their playing skills (and a reason to stick with practice).

While complementary, the two music training formats of The Academy—lessons and group—are also offered individually. This allows a student to use a different private instructor if so desired. Similarly, the group training is optional. The show band performs publicly on a recurring basis.
“The show band is kind of like our PR group,” Alice explains. “When they do shows out in the community, we want them to play iconic songs—a variety of classic rock and modern rock. The show band has performed at GrooveKids, the county fair, George Street Fest, in the park and other community events. Our regular groups perform at Jazzy’s Rock ‘n’ Roll Grill (usually on Mondays).”

“We have parents tell us,” Dick mentions, “they can’t believe how much progress [their child] has made in such a short period of time.”
The core competencies offered by The Academy are keyboard, vocal, guitar, bass, drums, and percussion. Occasionally, in the context of band rehearsal, students are given the opportunity to try their hand at alternate instruments and vocal pursuits. This is an exciting adventure that can lead to a better fit for their music training.
If you want a glimpse of The Academy’s music lessons and training endeavors, head on over to their Facebook page, or give them a call for detailed info. The business hours are 2:30 to 7:30 p.m. Bands are being formed now for the fall session.
In a few weeks, I will post a companion article that discusses the factors that you should consider when purchasing your child’s first instrument.