The Electric Film Series Celebrates
Over A Century of Cinema
Join us each month at The Historic Electric Theater for a FREE film screening and discussions about the movie!
The Film and Media Alliance of Southern Utah (FMASU) is a 501(C)(3) nonprofit dedicated to encouraging, championing, inspiring, challenging, and educating filmmakers in Southern Utah as well as around the world. Additionally, FMASU prides itself on the celebrating of film history and the theatrical experience. With Desertscape International Film Festival, HorrorFest International Film Festival, The Guerilla
Filmmaking Challenge and Southern Utah’s Filmmaker Spotlight firmly under its belt, FMASU is now bringing The Electric Film Series into the fold.
On the third Tuesday of every month, join FMASU for a FREE screening of a noteworthy film of the past at the historic Electric Theater. Each movie will include an intro and post-screening discussion with a special guest. Optional food items from local businesses and various surprises can be expected too!
What can attendees expect from The Electric Film Series lineup? Well, for 2021, FMASU is going to take a little journey through the history of film one decade at a time. That’s right! Each month, programmers have selected a title to represent a decade of cinema. Now, it would be near impossible to pick one specific film that personifies an entire decade but the powers-that-be, have done their best to bring a wide variety of titles to the table.
The series kicked off in January with a high energy bang. Four shorts from the silent era. Titles included “A Trip to the Moon,” “The Great Train Robbery,” “Making a Living,” and “The Cook’ with live piano accompaniment by the gifted Tami Creamer. What’s more, the films were introduced by the likes of DSU Digital Film professor and DocUtah director Phil Tuckett as well as film historian and JakCine Entertainment founder, Jason Jackson. Both of these knowledgeable individuals were also on hand for an incredibly insightful discussion following the screenings.
On Tuesday, Feb. 16th, The Electric Film Series will continue with 1927’s “The Jazz Singer. Recognized as one of the very first talkies, this legendary film stars an energetic Al Jolson and tells the story of a man who must defy the religious traditions of his father if he’s to pursue his dreams of becoming a jazz singer. This must-see screening of “The Jazz Singer”–which was famously updated and headlined by a divisive Neil Diamond-headlined version in the 80s–will be introduced by passionate film historian, April Ve Vea. April will also lead a post-screening discussion. Additionally, you can expect a couple of surprises during what promises to be a magical evening at the movies.
The FREE Electric Film Series takes place on the third Tuesday each month, (except in July and December as screenings needed to be adjusted due to scheduling conflicts), at the Historic Electric Theater, located at 68 E. Tabernacle. Doors open at 5:30 PM with shows starting at 6 PM. All safety precautions will be taken including sanitizing stations, masks, and limited seating.
FMASU has a wonderful slate of films booked for the entire year so be sure to come on out and take part in the magic that is the theatrical experience. For more info, log on to fmasu.com.
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