Three things you should do immediately when you wake upThree things you should do immediately when you wake up

By starting your morning on the right foot, you will no longer spend the rest of the day feeling rushed, irritable, and behind schedule. Rather than allowing the day to take charge of you, take charge of your day by implementing these three things you should do immediately when you wake up.

Practice gratitude

Do you wake up feeling grumpy in the morning? The first thought you have when you wake up can affect your entire day. Research suggests that focusing on positive thoughts when you first wake up can help you feel better about your day.

Try this: When you wake up, and as you get ready for the day, try to think about five positive things. What are you grateful for? By focusing on the positive, you set your mind up for a happy, productive day rather than a stressed, rushed one.


As we age, we start to feel achy and stiff in the morning. However, research shows that when you stretch in the morning, you wake up your entire circulatory system and alleviate stiffness and pain. An article written by Colorado Physical Therapist Specialists suggests that daily morning stretches will reduce pain, improve flexibility, and help you feel better all day long.

Try this: Practice basic stretches and yoga poses for 10 minutes after waking. Stretch your back by reaching your arms as high as you can into the air and then slowly and carefully bending forward to reach towards your toes. Yoga poses like lotus, tree pose, and warrior pose will also improve flexibility and fight stiffness and pain.

Drink warm lemon water

Lemon water provides a host of health benefits. Lemons are packed with beneficial nutrients like zinc, vitamin C, and antioxidants. This means that drinking lemon water first thing in the morning can boost your immune system, ease digestion, increase energy, and improve hydration.

Try this: Add half a lemon to a cup of warm water each morning, and sip as you get ready for the day.

By implementing these three healthy morning habits, you will prepare your mind and body to face the day ahead in a better mood and better health. Now go take on the day!

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