Trump is returning American sovereignty to America, and all globalists hate him for it. They will do anything to destroy him.
Trump is returning American sovereignty to America, and all globalists hate him for it. They will do anything to destroy him.

Trump delivers major blow to globalism

Fallout from President Donald Trump’s pullout of 28 soldiers from Syria has brought globalists of both political parties to the front in opposition. Turkey used the pullout as an excuse to invade Syria in a centuries-old conflict between itself and the Kurds — who were paid heavily by the American taxpayers to help the United States round up the last remaining fragments of ISIS. With that done, the rationale for staying in Syria vaporized. As rationale for withdrawal,globalist networks did cite Trump’s fulfilling a campaign promise to bring home American troops. But all networks, including Fox, failed to share the military industrial complex part of the story.

What Trump is about is the most massive change in American foreign policy in a hundred years. We will no longer fight, be wounded, die, and fund endless wars where we have little or no defensive interest. We will no longer serve as the policemen of the world or of the world-governing United Nations. Globalists and globalism are out of power — at least in the Trump administration.

This is the real reason for the multiple impeachment attempts, started even before Trump’s inauguration. Why? Because this is the only president who could not be purchased, controlled, or at least managed by Wall Street’s globalist special-interest group, the Council on Foreign Relations.

Previous columns have documented this organization’s globalist aspirations and the power it has had in all elections and administrations since its founding in 1921. If this is new to readers, the extent of one’s ignorance of this organization demonstrates the power this largely secret group has had over education, national media, and government.

So what did the globalist establishment media omit from the news?

That war industries profit from war and thus love war — the same message that President Dwight D. Eisenhower shared in his final address as president Jan. 17, 1961, warning of the dangers of the military-industrial complex.

Globalists, often called “the establishment” or “the deep state,” prefer worldwide open borders, the eventual transfer of all political power to international levels, and eventually world government. National sovereignty is their enemy — thus their hatred of Trump’s “America first” policy. Patriots prefer freedom from excessive government, independence from any governing entity other than Congress, patriotism, and — today — the Constitution as written. The choice is uncannily similar to that of Americans in 1776: liberty.

Trump told reporters who slammed him “for abandoning the Kurds” by removing 28 soldiers manning the border between them and the Turks, “We don’t have to fight these endless wars. Were bringing them back home. That is what I won on.”

Then he identified the real issue: “Some people — whether you call it the military industrial complex — or beyond … would like me to stay …They want me to fight forever. They do very well [financially] fighting. That is what they want to do, fight. A lot of companies want to fight because they make their weapons based on fighting — not based on peace — and they take care of [employ] a lot of people.”

Trump explained, “I want to bring our soldiers back home. We are not a police force, we are a fighting force. We are the greatest fighting force ever. I spent 2 1/2 trillion dollars over the last almost three years rebuilding our military. When I took it over, it was an absolute mess. It was totally depleted.” Now, he adds, “We have the most powerful nuclear base by far in the world. We have things that we never had before.”

Trump continued, “We have a great modern military, but that does not mean that we are going to waste it. It does not mean that we are going to deplete it like we did before with these crazy endless wars. So Turkey and Syria will hopefully work it out between themselves. Hopefully ISIS [prisoners] will be guarded” because “Russia, Iran, Syria, and to maybe a slightly lesser extent Turkey, they all hate ISIS as much as we do. And it is their part of the world. We are 7,000 miles away” (MSNBC Press Release with Italian President Sergio Mattarella, Oct. 16).

On the same day in a subsequent press conference, Trump added more: “We were supposed to be there for 30 days. We stayed for 10 years, and it is time for us to come home. We are not a policing agent, and it is time for us to come home .… The plan is to get out of endless wars to bring our soldiers back home. They are not to be policing agents all over the world.”

Russia and China do not have troops in other countries, he argued. How many countries have American troops? “We are in 90 countries all over the world policing. And frankly, many of those countries, they don’t respect what we are doing. They don’t even like what we are doing, and they don’t like us.” By not having a military presence in 90 countries, we will save tremendous amounts of money, manpower, and lives.

Trump is returning American sovereignty to America, and all globalists hate him for it. They will do anything to destroy him. This is what the globalist media outlets have not shared. The omission was intentional.

The viewpoints expressed above are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of The Independent.

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  1. Well said. The Illumonoids – “black & blue, who knows which is which and who is who?” D.S.O.T.Moon. P.F. UN is blue, but my guess black, if not grey. Truly hard to tell unless you go all the way back three Centuries ago to Dr Adam Weishaupt. No doubt one of the greatest masterminds of all time. Perhaps the founder of the modern intelligence apparatus, but definitely the true origin of DEEP STATE subterfuge. (See also X steganography for the blue team)

  2. Panama red, remember Aucopolco Gold? How about Mohocan or wowhacan? Fulcanelli = Fools can elevate. My approach is the way of the fool. Get over it. I use no drugs, I do not drink Alcohol, nor do I use any meds. Straight edge like ole Jason the editor, as I discovered one day in a comment exchange. Vitamins, exercise, music, skateboarding, stonework, and yoga (not Hatha) are my main vices. Yes the old mental health troll remark is atypical and perhaps better by degrees then a pure vitriolic response spewing hate and negative karma. No, Fulcanelli goes back to the old days when I stood up for a professor named Davenport who was shafted by Dixie State. Otherwise my comments are always from left field, but respectful, and often humorous -I hope. (Ed K. knows me well, and I expressed genuine concern, when he had major life issues a year or so ago) So do yourself a favor, read up on mental health before you use it as a derogatory remark. That is if you are a human being, and not an inorganic NPC. I will give you the benefit of the doubt. Otherwise you do not need to scroll down 4 pages below the articles to read a little long lost comment section. Maturity may be required, and taking these things seriously may lead to your own mental health issues. Otherwise GET OVER IT, we all have different opinions, either express yours relative to the article or feel free to attack others as trolls do and play little semantic power games in your head. It is called free speech and I am an American, so really dont care what you do. Good luck, and by the way at least 1 in 3 people are on some type of meds in Washington County, so you are surrounded!!!! . Civility is becoming a lost art. Change? Yes AMER I CAN!

    • The way you refer to yourself in ‘third person’ is highly indicative of a serious problem. Can you afford to see a doctor or do you have family that can help? Do you have a history of mental illness? Alzheimer’s?
      Nobody talks like this in person unless they’re in a sanitarium or on heavy meds. Seek help, now. before you harm yourself or someone else.


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