Enjoying the "Un-Latte"Enjoying the “Un-Latte”

By Debi Keys

I love swinging through my favorite coffee shop, seeing the cheerful baristas, and enjoying a warm vanilla latte. But have you ever stopped to think about the calories and the amount of sugar in that 16-ounce cup? With an average of 250 calories and 35 grams of sugar that’s a big “wow!” And if you’re like me and like something a little larger, can you imagine the calories and sugar in that venti, or even the trenta? Considering that the American Health Association recommends no more that 25 to 36 grams of sugar per day, one vanilla latte and you have probably exceeded your sugar consumption.

Recent studies have shown that coffee may have health benefits, including protecting against Parkinson’s disease, type 2 diabetes, and liver disease, including liver cancer. Coffee also appears to improve cognitive function and decrease the risk of depression. So if you enjoy it, don’t give up your coffee. Although this may not be true in younger people who drink large amounts of coffee.

That’s good news.

However, the sugar in that latte is a killer, literally. Consuming to much sugar can lead to insulin resistance, which can cause type 2 diabetes, and diabetes is on the rise. And if that isn’t scary enough, many scientists believe that having constantly elevated insulin levels (a consequence of sugar consumption) can contribute to cancer!

That’s not so good news.

Now, I am not suggesting that you give up your morning latte, and on occasion you might still like to visit your favorite barista for a “treat,” but how about a more healthy option?

Here is my favorite recipe for the “Un-Latte.” One serving can easily be doubled (did someone say “double”?). If possible, always use organic ingredients.


—1/2 tablespoon coconut oil

—1 1/2 teaspoons grass-fed butter

—1/2 teaspoon raw honey or blackstrap molasses (molasses can help stabilize blood pressure)

—1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

—4 ounces full-fat unsweetened coconut or almond milk (Cow’s milk is a wonderful beverage … for baby cows, not adult humans).

—16 ounces of your favorite brewed coffee (I even love this with a strong tea)


In a beaker or large cup, combine the first four ingredients (no need to stir, the hot coffee with dissolve them). Pour in half of the coffee and blend with a stick blender. Once frothy, pour into remaining coffee in a great cup.

Alternately, you can combine all the ingredients in a blender, blend until frothy, pour into a great cup, and enjoy.

This has only 130 calories, less than 3 grams of sugar (from honey), and a total of 2 grams of carbs!

This will probably not be as sweet as your coffeehouse latte, but who needs all that sugar anyway?

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