Utah Nonprofits Association presents Southern Utah Community Impact SummitThe Southern Utah Committee for the Utah Nonprofits Association will hold the second annual Southern Utah Community Impact Summit April 4 from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the Dixie Elks Lodge. The summit will include educational programs, networking, a keynote speaker, a panel discussion, and the Community Impact Challenge and Exposition and Community Impact Awards Ceremony.

The Community Impact Challenge is a unique funding opportunity specifically designed to drive collaboration in southern Utah.

“Collaboration is key reduce redundancy in terms of services and programs,” said committee member Dawn McLain. “Plus, by working together, organizations will stretch dollars, can expand programs with greater efficiency, and, more importantly, impact our community in a greater way.”

Each presentation will be judged by a panel that will select a winner from each category to be announced later in the day at the Community Impact Awards Ceremony. The judging panel comprises Bobby Edwards, CEO of Squatty Potty; James English, general manager of Cherry Creek Media; freelance writer Kristy Ann Pike; Stephanie Martini, founder of Three Corners Women’s Giving Circle, and Robert D. Pagnani, Utah Elks State President

Admission is $50 for Utah Nonprofits Association and St. George Chamber of Commerce members through March and $75 in April. For nonmembers, admission is $75 through March and $100 in April. The award ceremony is free and open to the public. More information is available at utahnonprofits.org. Registration is also available online.

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