Vote for President Trump’s Successful Presidency, Not for the Man
By Howard Sierer
Democrats and their lapdogs in the media have succeeded in turning this election into a referendum on Trump as a person. Heck, I’d rather spend an evening with Joe Biden than with a narcissistic boor like Trump.
But despite media handwringing about his statements and tweets, Trump’s presidency has been a success on many fronts.
I say that because I judge politicians based on what they do, not on what they say. I haven’t watched a state of the union address in 40 years. I don’t watch presidential news conferences. I don’t follow Trump’s Twitter account and do my best to ignore media reporting on his often-ill-considered tweets. I haven’t seen or heard him speak on television for more than a few seconds; I’m not even sure I’d recognize his voice in a blind test.
I ignore President Trump the person, and instead focus on what’s been accomplished. Compare that to what Joe Biden is promising: the differences are stark and the choice is clear.
Start with judges. I mean judges that actually read the words in the Constitution and the law and rule accordingly. Judges who respect the rule of law instead of making it up as they go along, ruling according to their personal views of social justice. Trump has appointed 218 of these judges including two Supreme Court justices with a third pending.
Next remember that the Republican Congress cut taxes and Trump slashed regulatory red tape, growing the economy much faster than Obama/Biden advisors claimed it could. Embarrassed by the obvious improvement, Obama tried to take the credit.
Democrats howled that the national debt would explode; they were wrong. The Congressional Budget Office predicted that growth attributed to the tax cuts would result in an additional $1.438 trillion in federal tax receipts over ten years, completely offsetting the cuts. Add an additional $700 billion in additional state and local tax receipts to the plus column.
Who’s paying these taxes? High income folks are paying more while most of us pay less.
Annual per capita income is expected to rise $2,250 over ten years. Many of those dollars will flow to women and minorities whose unemployment rates in early 2020 were the lowest ever recorded and whose wages were rising faster than those of professionals and managers.
Labor force participation dropped 4.6 percent during the Obama/Biden years, masking the true unemployment rate, but rose 1.1 percent in Trump’s three years, getting people off welfare and back to work.
While I disagree with Trump’s immigration policies, he deserves credit for insisting that immigration must follow existing law. What a concept: a president who implements the law as written and in stark contrast to Obama/Biden immigration executive orders that openly defied the rule of law.
Congress enacts laws, the President implements them and judges rule on them as written. Democrats call that “right-wing.”
More progress toward Middle East peace has been made during Trump’s administration than in the last 25 years. He recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and suspended aid to the Palestinian Authority until it stops paying support to the families of deceased terrorists. Last month, Trump signed historic multilateral peace treaties his administration negotiated between the U.S., Israel and two of its Arab neighbors.
His administration has sued colleges that openly discriminate against Asians in admissions and reversed the improperly implemented Obama/Biden “guidance” instituting college kangaroo courts that stripped men of their Constitutional rights in sexual abuse cases.
The Trump administration has defended religious freedom at every opportunity. A recent case in point: Its regulation exempting employers with sincerely held religious beliefs from the Obama/Biden requirement to provide contraceptives in employee health care insurance.
His administration implemented sorely needed Medicaid reforms, cracking down on fraudulent claims while maintaining the program for those it was intended to serve. The deep blue state of Oregon alone saved $191 million the first year.
Administration efforts to identify ineligible Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (“food stamps”) recipients have resulted in billions of savings while preserving the program for its intended beneficiaries. The Obama/Biden administration was quite happy to let the program balloon from $17 billion to over $70 billion during its term in office.
The choice in November’s election is clear: radical left sock puppet Joe Biden is on record as opposing every one of the Trump administration’s accomplishments outlined above, every single one.
Ask yourself if your dislike for Trump as a person, a dislike I share, is worth reversing the wide range of positive accomplishments of the last four years. I’ll take the accomplishments.
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Although I have much respect for Howard and his opinions, we don’t always agree. I hope that SUIndy readers will read my take on Trump’s economy because it’s quite different than Howard’s. https://suindependent.com/economy-under-president-trump/
Trump is making promises now about health care and other issues to get votes as is Biden, but many of Trump’s promises are similar to those made in 2016 but not done. If the Supreme Court is your main reason for voting for Trump in 2016, he’s done that. So no need to hang onto him for another 4 years.
The 2017 tax cuts served a portion of this country’s citizens but certainly not all, especially those in great need. Frankly, my investment portfolio is doing very well. I wish all other Americans were in such a good financial position. But I don’t give credit for that to Trump because it was already doing well under Obama, and I know that there are many factors that play into the stock market. And, as my article points out, if we’re going to give Trump credit for the economy then we should certainly give more credit to Obama and Biden given the numbers revealed in my article.
Well, I agree with Mr. Sierer. We should consider the accomplishments of a President, along with his maturity and statesmanship. Well Trump clearly fails on maturity and statesmanship, and perhaps integrity as well. How about his accomplishments?
1. Where is the wall that was promised by the president?
2. When will Mexico pay for that wall as promised by the president?
3. Where is the new, improved, great health care package promised by the president?
4. Where are all the repairs and construction to our countries aging infrastructure promised by the president?
5. For what reason or reasons has the president lied over 20,000 times since assuming office in 2016?
6. Has the National Debt been reduced or eliminated according to the presidents promise?
7. How has the socialistic tax relief for corporations and rich Americans boosted the economy as promised by the president?
8. How has the elimination or reduction of EPA regulations improved air quality or water quality as promised by the president?
9. Why are coal jobs rap;idly disappearing and not increasing as promised by the president?
10. Why is the current unemployment rate almost twice that at the end of the Obama administration in the “Greatest Economy in the History of America” as claimed by the president?
11. Why did the president sell off a major portion of our supplies of disease protection equipment to China early in the year when COVID-19 first appeared?
12. Why have more presidential appointees in this administration quit, been fired or been indicted and convicted of crimes?
13. Do you understand the difference between social programs to help people in this country and a Socialistic run country?
14. Can you explain the reason there are already 34 reported Covid-19 positive cases among the presidents White House staff as of 10/07/2020, and no one in the administration is discussing it?
15. Why has the trade deficit not decreased as was promised by the president?
16. When is the president and his daughter Ivanka going to bring their manufacturing jobs currently in China back to the United States as promised?
Cheers to all,
Rick Miller
Dr. Miller summed up my beliefs quite succinctly and I totally agree with him. There is just one thing I would like to add. Anyone that has ever watched the movie :The American President” starring Michael Douglas will recognize this one line from his speech to White House reporters concerning his GOP opponent, senator Bob Rumson in the upcoming election. I am paraphrasing here so forgive me. He said that Senator Rumson referenced “Character” being one of the qualities necessary to be president. Mr. Douglas, as the president, responded with one line. “Being the President of the United States “IS ALL ABOUT CHARACTER”. Our current occupant of the White House would certainly never be referred to as having that attributed to him.
Yes, Dr. Rick Miller did very succinctly sum up my beliefs as well. It is time for a change in this entire administration. Mr. Biden may not be the most ideal candidate, but “we take the bus that is going the closest to our destination”. Additionally, yes, our great Country was built on Christian values, AND the Constitution also states there should be a separation of church and state. With this President’s latest nomination to the Supreme Count, this separation is being further eroded and unbalanced. I have lost all respect for the Republican members of Congress who did not stand up to this president these past four years and believe the damage this administration has done to our County will take generations to heal. How can people support a president who does not know how to tell the truth if it were on a prompter in front of him. As Mr. Trump consistently demonstrates, he is focused 100% on his own interests and not our Country or it’s people.
With Trump campaign staffers looking for new jobs (per the Hill – not CNN or MSNBC) and a substantial lead
in the polls for Biden in some of the critical swing states it is not looking good for the President. Now, the Hunter Biden scandle is snowballing, and who knows what else will come out in the midnight hour, but time is running out. The reason for all of this is the pandemic. As with Nixon’s refusal to wear make-up in the Nixon-Kennedy debate, history will look back at President Trump’s – not wearing or supporting masks until late in the game – as the keystone for his defeat.
With apologies in advance if my formatting goes awry:
Mr. Sierer: I disagree. The media are not lapdogs. The media, including social media/Big Tech, are a Fifth Column.
With regard to observations from others about maturity, statesmanship, integrity, and character: it is most unfortunate that you may not have seen the SOTU address this year. It was quite the spectacle.
And there are answers to Rick Miller’s questions:
1) https://www.cbp.gov/border-security/along-us-borders/border-wall-system
2) https://townhall.com/tipsheet/bronsonstocking/2020/09/09/heres-how-trump-is-making-mexico-pay-for-the-border-wall-n2575910
3) https://nypost.com/2020/09/26/11-things-trump-has-done-to-fix-obamacare/
4) https://www.nationalreview.com/2020/07/trump-pushes-infrastructure-modernization/
5) a) https://pjmedia.com/election/stacey-lennox/2020/09/11/biden-says-we-need-a-president-who-tells-the-truth-then-here-are-8-big-whoppers-that-disqualify-him-n917014
b) https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2020/10/18/sunday-talks-senator-ron-johnson-discusses-bribery-and-national-security-threats-from-hunter-biden-laptop-and-joe-biden-payment-emails/
6) a) https://www.thebalance.com/what-is-the-national-debt-4031393
b) https://fiscaldata.treasury.gov/datasets/debt-to-the-penny/debt-to-the-penny
7) https://www.forbes.com/sites/baldwin/2019/12/26/the-trump-tax-cut-in-2020-a-calculator/#27585d3187eb
8) https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/us-emissions-are-falling-under-trump-thanks-to-frackings-war-on-coal
9) https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/CES1021210001
10) https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2020/06/11/unemployment-rose-higher-in-three-months-of-covid-19-than-it-did-in-two-years-of-the-great-recession/
11) https://www.ibtimes.com/china-hoards-ppes-blocks-export-coronavirus-masks-considered-first-degree-murder-2953130
12) https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2020/09/17/sidney-powell-discusses-special-counsel-role-in-continuing-corrupt-doj-and-fbi-effort/
13) https://wiod.iheart.com/content/2020-03-05-qa-socialism-vs-social-programs/
14) What is it you want discussed? If you know there are 34 positive tests among 413 WH staff members, then someone must be discussing it.
15) https://www.census.gov/foreign-trade/balance/c0004.html First, you have a time lag in trade deal negotiations/renegotiations; second, you have a massive international trade/economic disruption known as COVID-19; and third https://amac.us/trump-wants-to-make-america-a-manufacturing-superpower-without-reliance-on-china/
16) Same answer as above https://www.census.gov/foreign-trade/balance/c0004.html First, you have a time lag in trade deal negotiations/renegotiations; second, you have a massive international trade/economic disruption known as COVID-19; and third https://amac.us/trump-wants-to-make-america-a-manufacturing-superpower-without-reliance-on-china/
Wow, thanks for your work in answering my questions G Lea.
It will take me awhile to work through all your referenced answers, but I decided to start with your answer to question #5. Trumps lies.
Your answers cite PJ Media and the ConservativeTreeHouse as sources. I note that both are moderate to strong right leaning sites, so there might be a little bias here. Anyway:
(1) PJ Media points out 8 “big whopper” lies by Joe Biden, going back to 1987 (33 years ago). I did not bother to verify the accuracy of those eight mentioned, but I did do the complicated math problem: Biden = 8 lies in 33 years; Trump = well over 20,000 lies in about 4 years.
That is quite a comparison, as it works out to over 7000 Trump lies for each one of Biden!
Also, it does not answer my question about Trump’s reasons for lying.
(2)This lap top scandal has been reported on by numerous left and right leaning media sites and has yet to be verified, but at first reading it sounds more like an impossible dream. The sequence of events and characters involved so far add up to a made up scam conspiracy. We will see. Sad, but it also does not provide an answer to my question.
I’ll do more checking on your answers.
Rick Miller
Sorry, my mistake. Roughly 3,000 Trump lies for each one of Biden’s 8!!
It always has been and always will be a liberal strategy to malign, demean, and discredit ANY source a Conservative uses. This is an interesting tactic since the truth is that there are very few Conservative journalists out there and there are no liberal journalists out there.
You need to keep following the Biden laptop story. Even the pathetic FIB – oops, sorry – the FBI has admitted that they have the laptop and it is Hunter Biden’s.
I am not going to spend any more time on this or on you.
We deserve the government we vote for.
G Lea.
Interesting tells from your reply.
First. You seem to be the only commenter on here that did not post their full name.
Second. Quite a sweeping generalization about liberal strategy, and your “truth” is nonsense.
Third. I am the one following the Biden Laptop story and have provided up to date references for you and anyone else interested.
Pay attention to details, the flimsy evidence trail, unreliable characters involved, and shady events associated with the entire story.
Fourth. Interesting that in the past four years, ever since the Trump administration took charge, almost all media and all government groups have suddenly become fake and untrustworthy.
This is a standard plan commonly employed by totalitarian and wannabe totalitarian regimes. Instigate distrust in everything and everybody but us. Promote paranoia in the population. Find a scapegoat to blame for all problems. Works quite well if you buy into it.
Fifth. Your quote: ” I am not going to spend any more time on this or on you.” Very nice use of a passive aggressive attack, but painfully obvious.
Sort of reminds me of people of almost any age who do not want to hear or learn about something, so they do their best to keep their eyes shut and hands over their ears.
Just got back from dropping off my ballot.
Here is a new reference regarding the Biden laptop.
And another new reference:
G Lea.
About your references to Questions one and two. Both are strong right leaning sources, and here is another right leaning source that provides an answer. None of them are very positive about the wall or Mexico financing it.
Overall, not much new construction and no payments from Mexico yet, but significant expenditure from our treasury. Well, really, it has only been about 4 years…what do you expect?
Local ICU just went to emergency capacity as of today. Please consider taking time to pray. 1+38 = 39 deaths in Wa County. Real people with real families and loving friends – not cardboard avatars or political pawns for that matter.
Please forgive me for going off topic. Where is the leadership in this town. Afraid of getting reelected?
Attributed to Leonard Pitts but I thought it was extremely relevant:
You did not stand up.
Granted, America faced neither enemy bombers nor terrorist plot, but the threat to her was—still is—no less real. Your country needed you.
And you did not stand up.
You told yourself party was more important. You told yourself the courts were more important. You told yourself you could put up with his bluster and bullying, with his lies, his hatefulness, his bungling, his complete unfitness, if that was the price those things demanded. You could keep your head down, nod a lot, say as little as possible and, when pressed, pretend to believe the unbelievable, support the insupportable, find no offense in the blatantly offensive.
Your country needed you and you did not stand up.
Now here we are, just days before the election, and your president, the man you Republicans clung to like Jack and Rose on the stern of the Titanic, seems poised to do what Titanic did. No one old enough to remember the airless shock of election 2016 is taking anything for granted, mind you. On the other hand, one would much rather have Joe biden’s polling numbers right now than Donald Trumps.
Many of you seem to agree. Lately, one can hardly open a paper or go online without seeing one of our edging carefully away from the man to whom you once stuck like Velcro. There’s Sen. John Cornyn comparing his fealty to Trump to a Woman who marries a bad man, thinking she can change him. There’s Sen. Ben Sasse criticizing Trump for cozying up to dictators and white supremacists. There’s Sen. Martha McSally bobbing and weaving like Muhammad Ali when asked if she is proud of supporting trump, and so on.
Well, to all of you—lawmakers, administration officials, party hacks and other assorted enablers—who have tardily discovered that Trump is a disaster that walks like a man, we have something to say. That’s not the editorial we, by the way. It is, rather, the we of those Americans who watched in apoplectic dismay as our country—its norms, its values, its virtues, its verities and its laws—came under attack when you failed to show up.
I suspect I speak for more than a few of them when I say that your 11th hour attempts to put distance between you and Trump do not fool us. As far as we’re concerned, the stink of what you did—what you failed to do—will follow you the rest of your days. May it make you less employable. May it haunt you at sidewalk cafes. May your kids ask you about it. And for any of you who broke the law—up to and including Trump himself—may there be prosecution to the fullest extent.
Maybe that sounds vindictive. America is, after all, a nation of second chances. Mike Tyson went from a rape conviction to Hollywood movies. Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton went from scandal-tainted punchlines to respected party elders. And the argument will inevitably be made that we out not dwell in the past, that we need to move on.
To which, we say: Not this time. Redemption is fine thing. Moving on is, too. But sometimes, you need accountability. Not simply as a salve for what is wounded in us now, but also as a warning to those who would wound us in the future. Maybe they’ll be less likely to do so if they see that there is a price to pay for sitting down when your country needs you to stand. So let this be the message from the American majority to Trump and his enablers. We will not forget. And we will not forgive.
Mr. Super.
Thanks very much for your Leonard Pitts comment. Highly accurate and highly appropriate.
I would also like to add this. My mind tries constantly these days to find any understanding at all for why anyone in this country supports the current GOP and Donald Trump. I just do not understand it. There is simply no logical reason why supposedly religious, righteous people would support this man. His immediate family has tried to tell us what a flawed individual he is and nobody believes them.
In spite of his own self-proclaiming’s that he would hire only the best and brightest people for his administration, any number of them have either turned away from him, been fired by him or have been indicted and/or prosecuted. He just cannot have it both ways. You cannot, at the same time, be an excellent judge of talent in the hiring process and also choose people that are this flawed. Pure contradiction. When this many of your inner circle of advisors and others close to you, members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and so many others have come out and denounced you as a horribly flawed human being, there just has to be something to it.
Unfortunately he has also been the final straw to bring the Republican Party to this point in their existence. Their entire focus is staying in power, taking gerrymandering to almost an art form in many areas, having red run states illegally purge voter rolls to prevent people from voting and packing the Supreme Court to allow them to get away with their antics.
To be sure, it didn’t start with him. Rather I would say, George W. Bush’s administration probably unknowingly laid the groundwork for what it has become. But Trump, McConnell, Graham and their ilk has taken it to a new low level. I will freely admit that I was not a fan of George W. Bush, rather thinking of him as a somewhat stupid person. However, he at least had the decency and class necessary that is required of a man to hold the title of POTUS. This man obviously does not. If any staunch member of the Republican Party today truly believes that either Bush presidents, along with Nixon or Eisenhower would recognize this Republican Party today, you are mistaken. Furthermore, anyone that thinks for a moment that Abraham Lincoln would run as a Republican today is high on something other than life.