Weekly Downtown Farmers Market begins eighth season in St. George

The Independent
On Saturday, May 9, the Downtown Farmers Market in St. George will start its eighth season of bringing fresh seasonal produce, baked goods, and other locally made items to southern Utah residents. This market emphasizes products that are homegrown, homemade, and locally produced, featuring local growers, producers, and businesses. The Downtown Farmers Market will be held in Ancestor Squarefrom 8 a.m. to noon, every Saturday morning, until Oct. 31.
Downtown Farmers Market manager Jill Gardell said, “It is really about connecting to that local community who wants to eat fresh, farm grown produce.”
This season’s market will feature more than 25 vendors from the Washingtonand Iron County areas. Vendors will offer products such as fresh fruits and vegetables, free-range meats, cheeses, live plants and flowers, jewelry, fabrics, and more.
Another market feature will be live music from local musicians. This live entertainment will begin at 9:30 a.m. every Saturday. Located in the center of the lawn, the live entertainment will provide the community the opportunity to enjoy the local artists and St. George weather at the same time.
“The hope is they come out and do some shopping, have some fun and connect to the other locals,” Gardell said. “Besides having farmers, we do have food products and artisans. We have a community that loves to come and support the local communities, so our hope is they come and do their shopping as often as they can.”
With the emphasis of the Downtown Farmers Market being local connections, the group is open to adding new vendors interested in being a part of the weekly event.
“We are looking for anyone who is growing, as well as the bigger farmers to come and sell their produce,” Gardell said. “The big focus is finding people who are doing the growing, connecting with them, and getting them to come to our market to sell.”
The Downtown Farmers Market is free and open to the public. For more information—including vendor applications, rules, and regulations—visit www.farmersmarketdowntown.com.