What is a health coach, and why would you need one?What is a health coach, and why would you need one?

Awareness around health and wellness is on the rise. That’s a good thing! Not only do we want to live longer but we want to live better. The Internet has become the go-to resource for everything from recipes to essential oils and whether diet, exercise, meditation, and the law of attraction can really work.

Many have taken their health into their own hands and are experiencing a wide range of results. We seem to be suffering from a “high fact” diet.

The truth is there is no one-size-fits-all approach that will work for everyone. Your body type, age, biology, schedule, activity level, personal preferences, and a thousand other things make you truly unique, and figuring out the best plan for you isn’t always easy.

Gathering information, having a great system, and putting it all together in a way that works within the context of your busy life, allowing you to thrive, requires a personal touch from someone knowledgeable and supportive.

That’s where a health coach comes in!

A health coach can help you sort out truth from fiction and curate the information that is relevant to you, such as your individual goals and your lifestyle and more importantly creates a safe place and a supportive environment for you to ask questions, speak freely, and be held accountable.

You’re more likely to accomplish goals when you have guidance and accountability

A majority of Americans make the same New Year’s Resolutions every year for a minimum of 10 consecutive years and never follow through.

Ninety-eight percent of the people who lose weight gain it back (and usually more) within a year.

So what is that two percent doing to keep weight off, and what about those folks who do follow through on their New Year’s Resolutions?

We can all find a great system, and our friends and family can sometimes be supportive. But what those who succeed have found is the “secret sauce”: accountability!

A health coach can help you establish the structure you need to make progress toward your goals, and regular check-ins will help you to feel accountable for the health decisions you make in a way that is motivating.

Dieting, deprivation and Crossfit?

You can deprive yourself for a while and eat only celery at all social events. You can go to the local gym for the latest and greatest in butt-busting exercise and cancel that cruise, because oh the food! And you might lose some weight, but then you get fed up and are feeling discouraged. And then you find that pint of Ben & Jerry’s in the freezer.

And they so understand you.

A health coach will help you reconnect with your big why: your motivating factor for achieving your goals. Health isn’t just about nutrition. Weight loss, fatigue, blood sugar, blood pressure, and other health issues come with a variety of lifestyle-related challenges that a health coach can help you safely address so that you can reach your goal and maintain your health and weight for good!

Just Google that stuff!

You’ve exhausted the Internet, are overwhelmed with all the information out there, and really want to improve your diet and lifestyle, but you’re not sure where to begin.

Take the next step: Search for health coaches online, and simply reach out to begin the conversation of discovering whether they’d be a good fit for you.

Most health coaches “see” clients online, so geography is no excuse in finding a good fit. Schedule a consultation and even speak with a few health coaches until you find the one that feels right for you.

Do something healthy for yourself today and talk to a health coach! Your life and health will improve significantly!

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