Women’s March on Washington Cedar City will sponsor a town hall meeting Feb. 28 from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Cedar City Public Library. The meeting will be held in the indoor patio area on the south side of the main room. The event is free and open to the public.
Congressional representatives have been invited to attend, and the group says the offices of Congressman Chris Stewart as well as Sen. Orrin Hatch and Sen. Mike Lee will send representatives if possible. Regardless of the representatives’ attendance, videotape and letters documenting their concerns will be sent to their offices.
Members say the Cedar City town hall is intended to be peaceful and that the group does not want a raucous event.
“The outcome of our town hall will be a video of a civil town hall where constituents state their name, zip code, and question/statement,” said Dr. Bridget Eastep, a member of the group. “Then we will send it to our representatives.”
“People want their voices heard,” added Arlene Braithwaite, another member. “Following the town hall meeting, attendees will be invited to write notes to their state representatives — State Senator Evan Vickers and Representative John Westwood. We hope to have a stack of letters we can tape together and deliver in person. I would love to be able to roll it down the capitol steps.”
Women’s March on Washington Cedar City is a local group with approximately 200 members formed following the Women’s March on Washington. The group believes in inclusion, diversity, the arts, science, public education, the environment, democracy, women rights, and human rights.
More information is available from Dr. Emily Dean at emily.m.dean@gmail.com.